Thursday, February 25, 2016

CoCo Keys Discounts



We have great CoCo Keys discounts again.

I checked the link and it appears to work!


This link is good for employees and foster parents.

Have fun!



Password is foster1


Check out our blog!!!


Carla King

Foster Parent Recruiter

Department of Children and Families (formerly known as Dept Social Services)

Cape Ann Area Office

45 Congress Street, bldg #4

Salem, MA 01970



Wednesday, February 24, 2016

resource fair for special needs :-)



Date:Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Location:Holten-Richmond Middle School,
Multi-Purpose Room, 55 Conant St.
Time:6:30- 8:30 p.m.

The Danvers Special Education Parents’ Advisory Committee is sponsoring a Resource Fair at which local and regional organizations that work with families of special needs children will have handouts and be available to answer questions about their services. We will have representatives from (confirmed at this time):

Family Support
• Special Education Attorney, Lillian Wong The Law Office of Lillian E. Wong, LLC
• New England Educational Advocacy, Angela M. Timpone, Advocate
• Autism Insurance Resource Center, Terri S. Farrell, Project Manager
• Northeast ARC – (Transition Services, Employment Services, Life Skills, and Social Skills)
• Autism and Law Enforcement Education Coalition (ALEC)
• Personal Financial Management Plus, Rich Biagiotti

Disability Services/Summer Camps
• Futures Behavioral Therapy Center – Social Skills: After school and summer camp programs
• Landmark School –Skills + Summer Workshops
• Commonwealth Learning Center – Tutoring in reading and executive functioning disorders
• Beverly YMCA – Camp Star
• Triumph Center – For child, adolescent, and young adult counseling
• Active Healing – Detoxification to realize a child’s full potential
• Ella’s Way – childhood education program to encourage broad and diverse friendships
• Kidstrong LLC – Kidstrong Motor Developmental Bootcamp – Amy Wheadon, pediatric OT
• Find Your Voice – Speech and Language Services – Jessica Peditto, SLP

Extra- Curricular Activities
• Spaulding Adaptive Sports Center
• The Artful Life Counseling and Therapy Center
• Danvers Youth Soccer Special Kickers
• Best Buddies
• Access Recreation Boston

• UMASS Lowell – Disability Services
• Salem State University – Disability Services
• Merrimack College – The Center for Academic Enrichment
• Middlesex Community College – Disability Support Services AND Transition Program

Transition Services
• American Training Inc.
• Bass River Inc.
• CLASS, Inc. – Day Hab and Community Based Day Services
• Department of Developmental Services
• Morgan Memorial Goodwill Industries – Day Habilitation and Employment Support Services
• SOAR/Embark – North Shore Educational Consortium

NEW - We will be raffling off items/services donated by some of the organizations.


Friday, February 19, 2016

claiming foster children on taxes

Hi all – Basic info is if you had a child for more than 50% of the calendar year you can claim as a dependent.

There is a great tax guide by the National Foster Parent Association but you have to be a member.

If you need a copy of the guide, please let me know and I will get you one.


Check out our blog!!!


Carla King

Foster Parent Recruiter

Department of Children and Families (formerly known as Dept Social Services)

Cape Ann Area Office

45 Congress Street, bldg #4

Salem, MA 01970



Thursday, February 18, 2016

Navigator's Opening day- FREE !!!



Hi everyone,

The North Shore Navigators are back and will be having their Opening Day at Fraser Field in Lynn on Saturday, June 4.  First pitch is at 6 PM. 
With the attached ticket, six people get free admission.

This would be a great activity for our DCF families and foster families to enjoy!

Please feel free to forward to anyone who might like to attend!



Sharon Thomas, MSW

Adolescent Supervisor

Salem - Cape Ann Area Office

Department of Children and Families

45 Congress Street

Building #4

Salem, MA 01970

Office # 978-825-3899

Work Cell # 617-548-4326

Fax # 978-825-9091


"Since you cannot do good to all, you are to pay special attention to those who, by accidents of time, or place, or circumstance, are brought into closer connection with you." ~Augustine of Hippo (354 – 430)


Thursday, February 11, 2016

Discounted membership BJS WHOLESALE CLUB





If you are interested in a membership at a discounted rate ($10 off AND three FREE months) let me know and I will email you the form

please return the form to me NO LATER THAN Feb 23rd

If your membership expires before JULY please renew now. They add the 15 months onto your renewal date.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Give Your Kids Chores and They'll Thank You Someday

Give Your Kids Chores and They'll Thank You Someday

The Montessori chart of age-appropriate chores shows that kids are capable of doing far more than we often think. Here's why you should insist on your kid helping around the house.

Every so often, the Montessori chart of age-appropriate chores shows up in my Facebook feed. My parent friends share it quite readily, although their comments have an edge of disbelief to them, as if to say, “Can you imagine getting our kids to do all this? How lovely it would be!”

I believe it’s entirely possible and not unrealistic whatsoever to expect kids to do these chores. The problem is that there are conflicting factors at work here. One is the parents’ reluctance to insist on regular chores, whether it’s because they lack discipline themselves or feel uncomfortable asserting authority over their children. Another is the North American cultural perception that children are somehow incapable of or damaged by working when they don’t feel like doing so. These are unfortunate perceptions that get in the way of many kids’ potential for feeling purposeful through chores.

Kids are naturally drawn toward tasks with clearly defined end goals. They love to feel needed by their parents and to know that their contributions to housework make a difference. While most kids will resist the implementation of a new chore schedule, it quickly becomes routine and they will do it without complaining (or, at least, with minimal grumbling!) – that is, if the parent is consistent in making sure each kid does his or her tasks.

Some parents like to create a reward system as incentive, while others wants kids to know it’s expected behaviour as a member of the family. Whatever your approach is, the important thing is to ensure that kids do chores at home. You will be amazed at how much they can handle with some practice!

Over time, a child’s sense of purpose extends beyond the home. Insisting on regular chores equips them with practical skills that make it easy to live independently, when the time comes; helps to them understand everything that goes into running a household, which will eventually make it easier for them to share those duties with a partner, rather than lapsing into “passive cluelessness”; and gives them a sense of capability and an understanding of the importance of consistent hard work that can be transferred to other professions.

As one commenter wrote to the New York Times, “Never teaching your kids to do real things robs them of the vital sense of being of real use in the world. This loss will have long term impact.”

The word “chores” has an unfortunate negative connotation. It sounds old-fashioned and out-of-date, but really it’s one of the most important things you can do for your kid – more than driving them to ballet lessons and karate practice. Teach them how to work, how to be accountable, how to pitch in and be a contributing member at home, and you will raise adults who continue to do the same thing.

Adapted from an article by Katherine Martinko on Treehugger.



Check out our blog!!!


Carla King

Foster Parent Recruiter

Department of Children and Families (formerly known as Dept Social Services)

Cape Ann Area Office

45 Congress Street, bldg #4

Salem, MA 01970



Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Foster Care Alumni Free Cooking Class, please read



Hello everyone,


This fun event is for anyone ages 18 to 118+ that spent some time in foster care (they did not have to age out and do not have to have current involvement).  I have attached the flyer for you to share this free event to any foster care alumni. I have put a copy of the flyer in every manager and supervisor's mailbox to share with your staff.


The event for the Northeast Mass Network of Foster Care Alumni has been scheduled for Saturday March 5th from 1-6pm.

This will be a cooking class taught by a Chef Rodney Poles (he is great!) for breakfast and dinner, cookbooks and raffle.

Children are welcome and it will be  held at the North Shore Community College Culinary Center (this was formerly the North Shore Tech High School) on Rt. 114 next to the Bob's and Market Basket Plaza just over the line in Middleton.


RSVPs are required and due by 2/26 (contact: so please check in to see who can attend.

Thank you,


Jennifer Hubbard

Adolescent Outreach Worker

Cape Ann/Lynn DCF


Monday, February 1, 2016

Globetrotters at TD Garden discounts





The World Famous Harlem Globetrotters are preparing for their most epic tour in history, as the world famous team celebrates its 90th anniversary world tour.


A star-studded roster will have fans on the edge of their seats to witness the ball handling wizardry, basketball artistry, and one-of-a-kind family entertainment that thrills fans of all ages.


Discount tickets are available for select seating options. Pricing ranges from $166-$19 per seat. Please note a $10 processing fee is applied per order.


Saturday, March 12, 2016 7:30pm

Sunday, March 13, 2016 1:00pm


To order online, please click on the following link**. Your promo code is 16GLOBETROTTERS298 


Click to purchase here:

**Please note: The above link is not compatible with some servers.  If you are unable to secure via the above link, please do not hesitate to call to order your tickets or with any questions.


To order over the phone, please contact Jon Leite with the TD Garden at 617-624-1832 or Please mention this offer and leave a daytime phone number.


Jon Leite

Group Sales Account Executive

Office: 617.624.1832

100 Legends Way, Boston, MA 02114

Follow Us @NHLBruins | @TDGarden



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We need foster youth for Youth Advisory Board


Hello everyone,

We really need foster teen/young adults to attend, as we want to assist them with various life skills, teach about giving back to the

community, all the while building their resume.  We are meeting again Tuesday February 2, 2016 at 3:30pm at the Cape Ann Office.

Please reach out to those foster youth on your caseload to see if they would attend?

Any questions let me know.

Thank you for your help in this matter!


Jennifer Hubbard

Adolescent Outreach Worker

Cape Ann/Lynn DCF
