New MassHealth Dental regulations went into effect January 1, 2008. The regulations eliminate the Prior Authorization (PA) requirement for most services for children under the age of 21 years and expand coverage under EPSDT (Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment).
To locate a dental provider who accepts MassHealth:
¨ MassHealth has an Internet link that you can use to help find a general Dentist, Orthodontist or other dental specialist. To locate a provider, click on this link (and follow the directions below). http://masshealth-dental.net/MemberServices/Default.aspx.
¨ Go to "Find Provider" and type in the zip code for the geographic area in which you are looking for a provider.
¨ In "Search Details", use the drop down menu to find the type of provider you are looking for.
¨ If needed, you can search for a provider based on a specific language spoken and if they are accepting new patients.
¨ For a complete list of dental providers by county with details about which ones are accepting new patients, which ones can care for patients with special needs, those that have specific hours of operation and handicap access, and those that speak specific languages - click on "Documents" and scroll down to the "Provider Directory".
¨ To find information about dental benefits, fact sheets and member forms, click on "Documents".
For other questions, you can call any of the following:
¨ The MassHealth Dental Program at 1-800-207-5019;
¨ The DSS Regional Nurses;
¨ The DSS Central Office Nurse; or
¨ The DSS Central Office Medical Social Worker.