This is for client families, but foster families are invited with younger children if you wish.

Helicopter Santa Party
For Families with children 10 and under
Saturday December 8th
(raindate December 9th)
Manchester Athletic Club
Santa arrives by Helicopter and then the children are treated to cookies, juice and every child will receive a gift from Santa as well.
RSVP to Carla King 978-825-3862 by November 21st
Please make sure you provide
Family name
Address (so directions can be mailed)
Phone and children’s names, ages and genders

Check out our blog!!!
Carla King
Foster Parent Recruiter
Department of Children and Families (formerly known as Dept Social Services)
Cape Ann Area Office
45 Congress Street, bldg #4
Salem, MA 01970
978-825-3862 direct DCF ext 33862