Thursday, February 26, 2015

infant items- for free

I received some infant items if you need any let me know!

I have a – Bath tub with spa its pink and I guess the water bubbles like a spa

-        Crib mattress

-        Walker

-        Toys

-        Infant  car seat



Check out our blog!!!


Carla King

Foster Parent Recruiter

Department of Children and Families (formerly known as Dept Social Services)

Cape Ann Area Office

45 Congress Street, bldg #4

Salem, MA 01970




If the child was with you for MORE than ½ the calendar year you can claim them as dependants.

I can’t give any tax advice, but the National Foster Care Assoc has a great tax guide.

I have a copy if you need it J  You have to pay dues to get it- so I renew every year to be able to get that.


Check out our blog!!!


Carla King

Foster Parent Recruiter

Department of Children and Families (formerly known as Dept Social Services)

Cape Ann Area Office

45 Congress Street, bldg #4

Salem, MA 01970



Middle School Parents group



Hi All-


Evalyn Lawnsby and I are presenting a 3 part series in Salem that is offered for free to parents of Middle School children.

Please see the attached flyer.






Cynthia Griffin, LMHC

(c) 978-317-6734

Comedy night to benefit Cherish the Children


The Lynn office has asked me to share J







       "Karen D'eon Fund"





Prince House of Pizza

Route 1 South,

Saugus, MA

March 12, 2015

Unlimited Pizza

Doors open at 6:30 pm

Cash Bar


Tickets are $25.00


50/50 Raffle

Raffle Prizes

Contact Lori Roscoe or Lori Cassier for tickets: 781-477-1600 or lori.roscoe@state.MA.US , Lori.cassier@state.Ma.Us







LYNN, MA 01901


Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Fairy Godmother Princess Boutique


If you have a child that wants to go- I need ALL of the following info

Our Appt is for March 28th at 9am! If your child and her escort can’t make that time- let me know otherwise that is the time they should go.




Girls name, Last, first


Us Citizen?

If not what Country?

Name of escort

Us Citizen?  If not what country

Social workers name and phone














From: Warden, Shari (GE Aviation, US) []
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2015 12:12 PM
To: King, Carla (DCF)
Subject: Fairy Godmother Princess Boutique


Hi Carla,


I hope you are doing well! I wanted to let you know that the North Shore Fairy Godmother Project is sponsoring a Princess Boutique again this year to help financially challenged girls find the perfect dress for the prom from among a selection of hundreds of new and nearly new prom dresses.  This year, the Boutique will be on March 28 from 9-3. We are hoping that you would like to participate again this year. You can have the 9:00am slot again if you like. 


Attached is a flyer to advertise the event, the sign up or registration sheet, and a note that you can give the girls to remind them to bring their ID’s, etc.


Please get back to us with the completed registration sheet by March 20.  We may check in with you before the 20th just to see what the numbers look like so we are able to coordinate the volunteers and other appointments to provide for a great experience for all.


Feel free to call with any questions.  Looking forward to seeing you and your girls again this year!


Thank you,



g              GE Aviation


Shari M. Warden

Customer Account Manager

T700 CCAD Program


1000 Western Avenue  MD:034030

Lynn, Massachusetts  01910

Phone 781-594-4620   Dial Comm 8*263-4620

Fax     781-610-9330  Dial Comm 8*263-6236



Visit GEAE's Web site at:


GE Proprietary

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If you have received the communication in error, please notify us immediately by telephone and return the original message to us at the above address via the United States Postal Service.      Thank You


FW: Save the Date...2015 Annual Conference

This looks great for those of you raising grandchildren!


Save-the-date for the grandparents raising grandchildren conference June 10th!


More information coming soon……..







of Massachusetts

2015 Annual Conference...



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Massachusetts Commission on the Status of Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
| c/o Executive Office of Elder Affairs | One Ashburton Place | Boston | MA | 02108


Friday, February 20, 2015

Foster Parent Training @ Red's Restaurant



MARCH 6, 2015


Children struggle when the people close to them get sick or issues associated with domestic violence, substance abuse or mental illness. The desire to shelter children from some of life’s harsher realities must be balanced with teaching them skills so they grow into compassionate and healthy individuals.

TIME:  10:00 AM – 1:00pm



131 Newbury St., (Rte. 1), Peabody





RSVP:  Carol Casey @ 617-447-5417



A Wonderful Lunch!

will be served immediately after the training!



From: Carol Casey [mailto:ccasey@MSPCC.ORG]
Sent: Friday, February 20, 2015 3:01 PM
To:; Howard, Hollie (DCF); Smith, Marilyn (DCF); Roach, Michelle (DCF); Killeen, Eleanor (DCF); Sorenson, Joanne (DCF);; Barrett, Nicole (DCF); JoeanSerrano; Jankowski, Caroline (DCF);; Smith, Kristine (DCF); Lyons, Nancy (DCF); Chuplis, Gerald (DCF);; Roscoe, Lori (DCF);; King, Carla (DCF)
Subject: Jeanine Fitzgerald Training @ Red's Restaurant


Hello Everyone!

     Attached is the flyer for this great training with Jeanine!! Because we didn't have our monthly meeting, I didn't have the opportunity to talk about it.  So I am hoping that you will send this flyer out to your foster parents by either email or regular mail and really encourage people to attend.

     Thank you for your help and I hope you all will want to attend as well!  Call me if you have any questions.






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Thursday, February 19, 2015

Neverland theater- 2 for 1 tickets and scholarships for April program

This is two great offers for foster families!   Many thanks to your friends at Neverland Theater!!!!

Please email Neverland direct for tickets.

If you are interested in the April program – email me.


Hi, Carla,


Here is the poster:


Please add this info:


Neverland is offering 2 for 1 tickets for it's Friday performance, 'The Magic of Oz' to Foster Families.

If interested please make an advance reservation by emailing

with your name and # in party. Please mention you received this discount.


Thank you.




Also I am going to send you a newsletter. I am doing Beauty and the Beast - non musical in April.

I would like to offer 5 spots to Foster Children/Parents waiving the entire show fee.

If any family is interested in participating please email Andy Diskes at .


Rehearsal/show info in newsletter. We are looking for Adults, teens and children over 7.


Thank you.


Andy Diskes

978 500-8832



Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Training tomorrow CANCELLED due to weather.



Check out our blog!!!


Carla King

Foster Parent Recruiter

Department of Children and Families (formerly known as Dept Social Services)

Cape Ann Area Office

45 Congress Street, bldg #4

Salem, MA 01970

978-825-3862   direct DCF ext 33862



Thursday, February 5, 2015

Winter Family Fun at Endicott Park



Winter Wonderland

Come to Endicott Park for an afternoon of winter family fun!


Enjoy music by the campfire, an outdoor obstacle course, scavenger hunt, snowshoe demos, a story walk and more!  Warm up inside with some winter crafts and treats.  Refreshments will be available for a small donation.  Before you leave, make a paper bag lantern and place it outside to help light up the night.  Bring your sleds and snowman accessories! 


When: Saturday, February 21, 2015

Where: Endicott Park, 57 Forest St.

Time: 3:00 - 6:00 p.m.

Cost: $5 per person by February 19th; $6 at the door


Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Music for kids with special needs



From: Cheney, Elisabeth []
Sent: Monday, February 02, 2015 5:11 PM
To: Cheney, Elisabeth
Subject: FW: Music for kids with special needs


Dear Council: Please share the attached with families that you think may be interested in this program. This is a class specifically for children with special needs and will be held at Peer Projects Therapy From The Heart. This is not CFCE programming, so if you refer a family to this class please be sure to tell them to contact:

Please contact Elissa Klein

for more information

(978)712-0003, ext. 0




Lisa Cheney, M. Ed.

Early Childhood Partners/Coordinated Family & Community Engagement of Hamilton-Wenham and Manchester. 

Hamilton-Wenham RSD

CFCE Coordinator

Pilgrim Hall

30 Essex Street

Hamilton, MA 01984
