Dear Colleague,
We hope this email finds you well! This Thursday, July 27th at 5:00 PM ET, the Human Rights Campaign's All Children - All Families (ACAF) project will host our new webinar: "Caring for LGBTQ Youth: An Introduction for Foster & Adoptive Parents." My colleagues and I would be really grateful if you could share this Facebook post and download the PDF flyer to help spread the word! We've also included sample Twitter language below.
Co-presented by Darryn Green, an ACAF expert trainer and former foster youth and Adam McCormick, PhD, Professor of Social Work at St. Edward's University, the webinar is designed for foster and adoptive parents looking to build their LGBTQ vocabulary, review the latest research on LGBTQ youth, and learn how to best create supportive home environments.
This webinar is the second in a series of five offered throughout 2017 at no cost to all who are interested. For more information on this webinar and the others in the series visit, hrc.im/acaf-webinars. If you have any questions, please feel free to email acaf@hrc.org.
Thank you!
HRC's All Children – All Families Team
· Caring for a young person in #FosterCare? Register for @HRC's free webinar on supporting #LGBTQ youth today. hrc.im/7-27-webinar
· Work in #FosterCare or #Adoption? Spread the word about @HRC's free webinar on supporting #LGBTQ foster youth. hrc.im/7-27-webinar
· Passionate about #FosterCare & #Adoption? Register for @HRC's free webinar on supporting #LGBTQ foster youth. hrc.im/7-27-webinar
"Field Forward," All Children - All Families' e-newsletter, delivers the latest best practice tips and resources for LGBTQ inclusion to your inbox every month. Subscribe today at hrc.im/field-forward.
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