Team Fourteen Summer Groups
Is there a teen in your life who is misusing substances? Team Fourteen is expanding group offerings over the summer to help provide structure while connecting with peers in a safe, therapeutic setting. 100% of participants in our first session said that they would recommend our group programming to others “similar to me.”
Our individual and family therapy services will also be available!

The summer session of “Reinforcers” (based in Beverly) will consist of one all-female group and one co-ed group. Both will run for ten weeks. Because we know that summer is busy and many people go away, we will allow two planned absences from group. Participation in group is free. See attached flier for more details.
· The female group will be run from June 15th to August 17th
· The co-ed group will run from July 11th to September 12th.
To learn more about group or refer, send an email to or call T14 at 978-867-7137. To learn more about our individual and family services, visit T14’s services are possible thanks to generous funding from The Peter and Elizabeth Tower Foundation.
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