Monday, August 27, 2018

Topsfield Fair Discounts are here!






2018 dates are sept 28- October 8

It's that time again!  I again have discounted tickets for the Fair.

The prices are $10 for admission and 10 RIDES for $24. (1 ticket =1 ride)

Regular admission is $12 weekday and $15 weekend so savings of up to $5!

(Children under 8 with an adult are FREE)

IMPORTANT: Deadline for tickets is September 26th. It's very difficult for me to run back and forth for last minute tickets. I am happy to take checks made payable to the  TOPSFIELD FAIR.  These checks won’t be cashed (or even brought to fair) until after Sept 28th, so there is no reason to wait until the last minute!  

Kailey MacArthur has them in Lynn. J






Carla King

Family Resource Worker

Department of Children and Families

Cape Ann Area Office

45 Congress Street, bldg #4

Suite 145

Salem, MA 01970




Thursday, August 16, 2018

Caregiver September Support Group Schedule


Hi All,

I have an updated the Caregiver Support Group flyer and calendar with the schedule for September that I am attaching to this email. Parents can RSVP for any group by replying to this email.  Feel free to share the attached flyers!  


Remember the groups are free there are no income, insurance or diagnosis qualifications required. The groups are for families who are experiencing the challenges of bringing up children with emotional and/or mental health challenges.  Parents may self refer by contacting me directly by text, telephone or email (preferred). I will be sending out reminders and details before each group.  Also, I am actually going on vacation for 2 weeks so I will be responding to referrals and RSVP when I return. Enjoy the rest of the summer!   

Upcoming Groups:


WED               6:30 PM-8:30 PM Gloucester Caregiver Support Group

September   5 Blackburn Center    

12                  Gloucester, MA


WED              6:00- 8:30 PM  Salem Caregiver Support Group

September    Special Wellness Event!        

19                   Salem YMCA  1 Sewall St, Salem, MA 01970              


WED               9:30 – 11:30 AM Beverly  Caregiver Support Group

September    Northshore Education Consorium

25                          112 Sohier Rd, Beverly, M


Martha Cregan

Family Support Specialist

Eliot Community Human Services

5 Blackburn Center

Gloucester, MA  01930


Serving families and professionals, in support of children's mental health in communities on Cape Ann and the North Shore

The services are confidential, free and open to the public!

Supported by the Department of Mental Health.

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Friday, August 10, 2018

Bj's discounted Membership


Hi all- Folks are asking me to do a membership run because their re-newals  are up!

If you are a NEW member- pricing is GREAT!  check it out. 

Please let me know if you are in need of an application and I’ll send to you!

I MUST have your application back by 8/27

**** If you are going to expire before February/March PLEASE renew now!  The year will be added to your current end date J


  All NEW MEMBERS  (2 options)


Inner Circle Membership:  $25/12 months

(regularly $55)


Rewards Membership:  $50/12 months

(regularly $110)




Inner Circle Membership:  $40/13 months  

(regularly $55)


                       Rewards Membership:  $80/13 months

(regularly $110)


It doesn’t matter when you last renewed.  You can still take advantage of this discount and we will add the time to your current expiration date.    Please note, memberships will take approximately 1-2 weeks to process after the deadline date.           



                       CARLA KING


This Special Offer will be available from AUGUST 13TH  – AUGUST  27TH 2018


    NEW MEMBERS, please list your email address to receive your membership info as soon as it’s processed.


































Carla King

Family Resource Worker

Department of Children and Families

Cape Ann Area Office

45 Congress Street, bldg #4

Suite 145

Salem, MA 01970
