Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Cook book with ethnic recipes

This wonderful cookbook and rare cultural artifact was produced as a collaborative effort by the Brockton Area Department of Social Services’ Area Directors’ Advisory Group on Racial, Ethnic, and Linguistic Minority Affairs (RELMA), the Brockton Department of Social Services Area Board and Community Connections of Brockton. Many, many people contributed time and recipes in the creation of this book of more than 100 pages of food and healthy information.
This joyful and tasty cookbook serves several purposes. It is a resource for Foster Parents who may be caring for culturally divergent children to give them a way share in a small way in their culture and as a way of being welcoming. So there are recipes from many cultures represented, just as there are many cultures that make up the Brockton area. The cookbook also will raise limited funds for the local office and CCB to help parents and caring adults care for kids and strengthen families and the community.
You can have a cookbook of your own for a donation of $10 to either:
Tina Malave at the Brockton Area DSS Office by calling 508-894-3746
Or through Mark at CCB at the info below
Salud, Saude, Sante, Cin Cin, Kampai, Skal, Noroc, Gom bui, Slainte, L’chaim, Chukbae… und, Prost!

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