Thursday, December 6, 2007

Fun things to do with kids

The mall Santa at the Liberty Tree mall is reading stories to kids! December 7th- I think at 7 and I think kids wear Pj's. Please call Simon Malls for more info.

Sundaes with Mrs. Claus - Goodies in Danvers is hosting Sundaes with Mrs. Claus. Children will get cookie and hot chocolate while they await Mrs. Claus' arrival. When she arrives she will read "twas the Night Before Chirstmas" and then children will get a sundae!
Costs is $13 / Goodie Ice Cream, Maple St. Danvers. call to make reservation 978-762-4663 (tell them Carla sent ya!)
Dates are 1:00- 2:00 on December 9, 16 and 23rd.

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