We are thrilled to let you know that our legislative priorities: An Act Relative to Children's Mental Health, An Act Relative to Child Abuse and Neglect, and An Act Relative to Mental Health Parity were all signed by the Governor and are now law.
Please see below for details on these new laws including changes you can expect to see in Massachusetts and where to go for more information. Thank you for your many months of advocacy on these issues please know that YOU made a difference!
1) An Act Relative to Child Abuse and Neglect
Signed by the Governor in July, this omnibus bill brings many significant changes including changing the name of the Department of Social Services to the Department of Children and Families! Provisions which were passed in the law include:
- Foster parent reimbursement rates: To allow foster families to keep up with the rising cost of everything from food to fuel, the law requires the Child Advocate to make an estimate of the cost of adjust ing the daily rate for maintenance payments to foster care and guardianship families to the rate specified periodically by the US Department of Agriculture and, subject to appropriation, to pay the rates at that level. Stay tuned for budget advocacy alerts aimed at securing the funding to fully implement this long overdue provision.
- Tuition and fee waivers: this law expands the tuition waiver program so that all youth who age-out of care, are adopted from care, or in legalized guardianship placements receive tuition and fee waivers and Massachusetts public colleges and universities. If you are having any trouble accessing this new benefit, please contact the DCF ombudsman Kevin Barboza at 617-748-2444.
- Commission on Grandparents raising their grandchildren: this law establishes a commission to examine issues on grandparents raising their grandchildren. The commission will report directly to the Governor and recommend changes to support grandparent-headed households. We will continue to update you on the implementation of this new law!
2) An Act Relative to Children's Mental Health
Signed by the Governor in August this bill is aimed at strengthening and improving the system that delivers care and services that directly benefit children with mental health needs and their families:
- Support in the schools: this law creates a system so that school personnel will be able to receive mental health consultation and guidance. Mental health consultation will help schools better understand mental health needs in students as well as improve access to information, support, and resources.
- Screening for mental health issues: this law promotes behavioral health screening for children during visits to their doctors. It is important to identify mental health needs in children as early as possible so their parents and doctors can decide what steps to take.
- Behavioral health consultations: this law also provides behavioral health consultations for very young children in childcare and preschool settings. Massachusetts has the 9th highest rate of expulsion of pre-kindergarten children in the country. It is important to identify young children who need behavioral health interventions.
- "Stuck kids:" this law creates processes to move children with mental health needs to a community based or residential program. A number of children get "stuck" in hospitals because there can be lengthy disagreements about who pays for the child's next level of care. The processes created by this bill will be a first step to moving children to better placements.
MSPCC supported this bill in partnership with many organizations across Massachusetts through the Children's Mental Health Campaign. If you would like more information about mental health in Massachusetts or the next round of mental health advocacy, you can visit http://www.childrensmentalhealth.org/
3) An Act Relative to Mental Health Parity
Signed by the Governor in August, this bill takes the next step to ensure that mental health issues are treated on the same terms and conditions as physical health issues. The new law significantly expands access to by adding substance abuse issues, eating disorders, post-traumatic stress disorders, and autism to the list of conditions with full parity. To read the law in its entirety, click here. http://www.mass.gov/legis/laws/seslaw08/sl080256.htm
An important announcement from our friends at NAMI-MASS: Lynda Michaud Cutrell from NAMI is seeking a $1.5 million grant from American Express to fund the project, Early Schizophrenia Intervention Out of the Shadows. Please lend your voice to support the project by clicking here: http://www.membersproject.com/project/view/QUMZQV. The winner is based on how many people sign in and vote.
You must vote by August 31. For more information, contact Lynda Michaud Cutrell, NAMI, 617.592.5625.
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