| | | The upcoming talk in our Family Rounds series for parents and professionals... September 16, 2010 ~ 12-1:30pm "Going to the Hospital or Doctor: Preparing your child with coping techniques" Presenter: Heather M. Gianatassio, CCLS, Certified Child Life Specialist at MassGeneral for Children at NSMC "Visiting the doctor or hospital can be a challenging and traumatic experience for children and families. This discussion will focus on developmentally appropriate conversations to have with your children when preparing them for healthcare experiences. The most common questions children ask will be answered and techniques to reduce stress, pain and anxiety will be shared". Participants will also have an opportunity to practice through dialogue. As usual the lecture is FREE, intended for parents and professionals, and takes place in the Lynch Conference Room on the ground floor of MassGeneral for Children at North Shore Medical Center. Registration is required as space is limited: email Ivette Thomson ithomson@partners.org or call 978 354 2670. | Mark your calendars for upcoming Family Rounds..... October 21, 2010 - "Think Before You Send - Using Digital Communication Responsibility" November 18, 2010 - Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Adults and Adolescents December 16, 2010 - Childhood Obesity January 20, 1011 - Empowering Girls Parents and Professionals: If you have suggestions for topics or speakers for the upcoming series, please let us know. | The Pediatric Behavioral Health Library for children, adolescents, parents and professionals continues to grow with updated literature and well over a thousand references. Please come visit our Behavioral Health Library in the Family Resource Center, MassGeneral for Children at North Shore Medical Center on the 4th Floor.
Open Monday-Friday 12 noon - 4:00 pm. New Titles and/or additional copies added to library this Summer: Organizing from the Inside Out - Julie Morgenstern Helping Children Survive Divorce - Archibald Hart, MD My Body, Myself for Boys - Lynda Madaras The "What's Happening to My Body?" for Girls - Lynda Madaras The "What's Happening to My Body?" for Boys - Lynda Madaras From Binge to Blackout - Chris and Toren Volkmann The Grieving Child - Helen Fitzgerald Just Checking - Emily Colas Is My Child OK? - Henry Paul, MD What in the World Do You Do When Your Parents Divorce? - Kent Winchester Co-Dependent No More - Melody Beattie SOS Help for Parents - Lynn Clark, Ph.D. The Out of Sync Child - Carol Kranowitz Underage Drinking (Not Everyone is Doing It) - Adult Presentation The Truth About Drugs & Alcohol - Student Presentation Drugs 101 (What Adults Need to Know) - Adult Presentation Boy Interrupted - VIDEO The Way I Feel- Janan Cain GRIEF - C.S. Lewis LIVING when a loved one has died - Earl A. Grollman Pain Killer (A "Wonder" Drug's Trail of Addiction and Death) - Barry Meier The CHADD Information and Resource Guide to AD/HD - CHADD Celestial Arts - There is a Rainbow Behind Every Dark Cloud Many books that were long overdue have been returned. We are still missing quite a few. If you have any borrowed books from our special collection could you please return them so we may lend them to other families? Or if borrowed books are lost please let us know too so we may replace them. Thank you!
We welcome donations and/or gently used books from either our wish list or the current titles available in our library (corresponding links above). Extra copies allow us to lend our resources to more families and professionals. There have been over 25,000 visitors since opening in March 2003! A special thanks to the Essex County District Attorney's Office, Beth Pisano, Joanne Peterson,, and Katie Tom for their generous donations! Thank you so much Allison for all your hard work and generosity this year in the Family Resource Center. We will all miss you! Good luck in college. | Collaborative Community Projects | |  New Class Open to the Public ~ Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Beginning A new session of the MBSR program will begin in September. The course includes sytematic intensive training and practice in mindfulness, meditation and mindful hatha yoga. The focus is on developing positive health behaviors and personal resilience in a group setting, with an invitation to bring mindfulness to every day life with all the challenges from medical and psychological conditions and life stresses. Pre-registration is reqired. Orientation is September 12th at the Healing Atrium at Union Hospital. Classes begin Tuesday, September 28, 2010. Twenty five parents of children with histories of drug addictions from the Northshore Recovery High School and the Learn to Cope NS Group (see Family Support Programs) came together for their own eight week parent MBSR program finishing in May. The first class of an eight week pilot session of "Cool Minds" Mindfulness for Teens with students at the North Shore Recovery High School in Beverly graduated earlier last spring from the MBSR program. There have been very moving and positive experiences from both groups. The programs have been made possible for families due to the generosity of the Tower Foundation. The project goal in the future is to run both student and parent programs separately but concurrently through the NSMC Family Center for Mindfulness. The Center for Mindfulness CFM at the University of Massachusetts Medical School has been teaching Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction MBSR for 30 years. The "Cool Minds" is a newly piloted Mindfulness-Based Teen Program developed through the CFM by Florence Meleo-Meyer, Senior MBSR Teacher. The 8 week program was offered as a pilot program in a community setting for the students attending the Recovery High School in Beverly last spring. The program has been adapted for this special population by Jefferson Prince MD, Jim Howland LICSW, and Marguerite Roberts, NP in close consultation with Florence Meleo-Meyer, MS, MA. The Peter and Elizabeth C. Tower Foundation awarded the Family Resource Center a three-year grant to implement two innovative evidence-based techniques: Relapse Prevention Therapy (RPT) and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) with the target population of adolescents with substance abuse disorders at the Recovery High School in Beverly. The program was planned collaboratively with Jefferson Prince MD, Mass General for Children at NSMC Department of Pediatric Psychiatry; Michelle Lipinski M.Ed., Principal and Jim Howland, Ed.D, M.S.W., LICSW, School Social Worker, North Shore Recovery High School in Beverly; and Marguerite Roberts MS, NP, Director Mass General for Children at NSMC Family Resource Center.The innovative programs were developed for the students and their parents. _____________________________________ Our team completed the final component in the three part educational preparation, an eight week professional training practicum on Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, at the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care and Society, at the University of Massachusetts Medical School in Worcester in November. Taking the MBSR class along with regular program participants, taught by Senior CFM teachers we directly experienced the impact of MBSR on life and practice; weekly seminars with MBSR teachers and fellow practicum participants exploring class experiences, studying the contextual background of MBSR enriched the preparation. We also met with MBSR providers that have adapted the program for adolescents and populations with drug addictions. Staff training began last spring with an intensive five day silent Insight Meditation Retreat at the Barre Center. To try a guided meditation or listen to talks on meditation practice visit Insight Meditation Society. The Read Family Trust has awarded another pediatric behavioral health grant, for the fifth year, in collaboration with Salem Public Schools. The focus of the program is to first provide analysis for previous YRBS results (Youth Risk Behavior Survey) from May of 2010 and then implement the "S.O.S. Signs of Suicide" program with the Salem High School educators and entire staff, ninth grade students, and their parents this school year. This project is currently coordinated with Andrew Wulf, Headmaster of the Freshman House, and David Angeramo, Principal at Salem High School.  SOS Signs of Suicide Prevention Program for secondary schools is an evidence based program of suicide prevention and mental health screening that can be implemented during one classroom period by existing school staff. The program teaches teens that depression is not uncommon, a treatable illness and empowers them to respond to a potential suicide of a friend or family member by using the Acknowledge Care Tell (A.C.T.) technique. | | | NEW! Power Up - Neuroscience" for Girls This program will be offered to girls ages 7-11 in the Fall 2010 and Spring 2011. Participants will learn how anxiety, anger and stress affect the brain and body. Power Up will involve discussion groups using neuroscience diagrams and handouts. Participants will practice deep breathing, visualizations, exercies to music, basic yoga, dance and games. Focus will be on increasing body awareness and increasing self-esteem. Group facilitator will be Evelyn Resto, LICSW, Therapist at MassGeneral for Children at NSMC. | Family Education and Support Programs: updates ADHD Parent Support Group(an eight week series on Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon 4-5pm) The next session will begin this October. This time has worked out well for most parents, especially those attending the parent group while their children participate in Social Skills classes held through the Neurodevelopment Center (call 978-354-2705 if interested in registering your child for the next social skills session). The ADHD group also includes parents not involved with social skills classes. All caregivers are welcome to attend. Bipolar Parent Support Group [monthly, the first Wednesday each month, time now extended to 11:30-1pm) Patty Gardner-Goodof LICSW facilitates the group monthly. Dr. Prince participates in the group every other month, and will September 1st, to informally give parents an opportunity to discuss treatments and ask questions. We invite new parents to attend any time and join the group. Mindfullness-Based Stress Reduction NEW Training and practice in mindfulness, meditation, and mindful hatha yoga.Group education on integrating mindfulness everyday with life stresses and challenges; meets Tuesdays for 8 weeks 6-8:30pm at North Shore Recovery High School, Beverly. Pre-registration required. Class Orientation Sunday, September 12th at the Healing Atrium at Union Hospital -
Learn to Cope North Shore [peer parent support group for families living with a loved ones drug addiction, meets weekly Thurs. nights 7-9] learn2cope Speakers related to addiction, Youth in Recovery and CAB Outreach training in OD Recovery with Narcan distribution are scheduled each month, as part of the regular meetings. Guest speakers will be posted on the Learn to Cope website. Upcoming speakers; Sept 9th Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program offered for parents; Oct 14th CAB~ Recovery and Narcan Training; G.R.A.S.P (Grief Recovery After Substance Passing) NEW GROUP Affiliated with Learn to Cope, North Shore ~ Grief Recovery Group is open to anyone who has lost a family member or loved one to fatal overdose. First Thursday every month 7-9pm. 55 Highland Avenue, Salem, MA (NSMC Salem Hospital Campus) Highland Hall Auditorium on ground fl. An ear An ear to listen. A shoulder to lean on. A hand to hold. A friend to share. You are not alone. Power Up! NEW - Girls ages 7-11 will learn how anxiety, anger and stress affect the brain and body. They will practice deep breathing, visualizations, basic yoga; exercise to music, dance and games. Facilitator Evelyn Resto 978-741-1215 ext. 8709. View Flyer Sibshops [recreational peer support for siblings with a brother or sister with a developmental, medical or behavioral health disorder, held monthly] [see website for current calendar]. All Sibshops are held in the Sibshop Collaborative of the North East location in Danvers. The next Sibshop for 8-13 year olds will be Oct 23rd 1:00-5pm sponsored by the Family Resource Center, at MassGeneral for Children at NSMC. The new Sibshop schedule reflects wishes expressed by families: holding the younger group more often, offering alternative hours for the older group. Grandparents Raising Grandchildren [meets 1st and 3rd Monday of the month from 11-12] facilitated by Elaine Rossen LMHC New members are joining and are always welcome. Parents Helping Parents [parent to parent support, open and ongoing, meets weekly, free, confidential and anonymous] For more information, check our website or call . As always, all Groups are Open and Ongoing Sincerely, Marguerite Roberts, MS, NP Ivette Thomson, Care Coordinator NSMC Family Resource Center NSMC Family Resource Center MassGeneral for Childen at NSMC MassGeneral for Children at NSMC mroberts2@partners.org ithomson@partners.org
nsmcfamilyresourcecenter.org | | | | |
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