I will take 4.
From: King, Carla (DCF) [mailto:Carla.King@state.ma.us]
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 10:34 AM
To: (erincon_12@msn.com); (gcahill58@aol.com); (Lenore.Downs@pioneerinvestments.com); (wandctre@msn.com); AngeAgn@aol.com; Ann Distasio (Haverhill); Annette Bongette (7acresfarm@comcast.net); Beth; Bill Quigley (W.Quigley@comcast.net); Carla Budrow; Carol Casey (Ccasey@mspcc.org); Carol Schaulfler (solmag@comcast.net); Cathy Claypool (kchouses@hotmail.com); Cathy Lyons (lyonsmhead@hotmail.com); Chris and Bill; 'cinloudunn@yahoo.com'; Clair Davis; Daphne Fan Home (luvjdrobb@yahoo.com); Daphne.Fantauzzi@med.va.gov; David McCloon (dlmcl@comcast.net); Debbie Amaral; Debbie Keough (deborahmkeogh@gmail.com); Diane Smith (Olympiadiane@hotmail.com); doloresdean@aol.com; DONNA B; EDioVal@aol.com; Elane Gilmore (mupeeber@gmail.com); Ellen Deurloo (fostermom81@comcast.net); Heidi Raymond; Heidi Sparuk; james Russo; jemacu04@yahoo.com; Jen Banville; Jill Homan (jillgriffwally@verizon.net); Jim Lafave (jimbabs@verizon.net); Julie Gordon (Jul71500@aol.com); jwcosta1@gmail.com; Jwlloyd60@aol.com; Karen Coley; Karenmarisa@msn. com (Karenmarisa@msn.com); Kym Malik (kym0671@gmail.com); Laura Burke (lauraburke111@msn.com); Laurie A. Raposo; Linda Sellinger; Lindy Sea LeBlanc; Liz Sharp (liza@sharpteam.org); Magdis Stephanie; Mark Branga; Mark Libon (Mlibon@hes-inc.org); MilitaryDeborah@comcast.net; Mona Farrin (MonaFarrin@hotmail.com); Mona Farrin2 (yellowroseblossem@yahoo.com); mosermaryj@aol.com; Nanette Maden (Nanjimal@aol.com); Pat Foley (PFoley@hes-inc.org); Patsy Nicastro; Patty Peters (truebluecrusader@verizon.net); Peggy Garvin (mayne77@comcast.net); Roberts, MaryJane; Robin and Tim Hough (Robinhough@netscape.net); Sandra Branga; Sarah Patch (sdakp@juno.com); sfgenovese@msn.com; Staci Silva (stacisilva@comcast.net); Sue Mulley (themulleys@verizon.net); Tara Bean (jaden42997@comcast.net); Tara Lyne (ttlyne@gmail.com); Ted and Cindy Ramsdell (tramsdell@juno.com); Vashon and Glen Hiltpold (vwallace@umext.umass.edu); Will Coley (calvindapaulist@gmail.com); (cmacdouga@hotmail.com); Adam Horne; Allen Hellfrich; Allison Wolper; Amber Jewell; Andrea Walke; Anibal Cruz (cruz@i-volutions.com); Ann Perham; BG and Kat Brown; Brandi Ditch; Brenda Daniels; Carol S; charlett smart; Cortes, Luz; D Vocino; Denise Delaney; Dolores Vocino; doloresdean@aol.com; Dorina Hellfrich; E. Driscoll; Erin Murray; Evelyn Torres; Heather Michaud; Heidi Cassista (HMC304@aol.com); Jaime Cruz (Jaime@i-volutions.com); Jennifer Schroeder (wren9@hotmail.com); Jenny Gomez; Jim (regional FP); Kate Ruff; Kelly Dejesus; Kim Kenniston; Leanne Ciaramitaro; Lee Thompson; Linda Hinckley; Lisa Treat; Lois Hughes; Mery P (FCP); Paul Smeltsor; reneemichele@comcast.net; ricochet12@verizon.net; rvm1969; Scott Kugal (kugelsconstruction@verizon.net); Stephanie Horne Walters; Stephanie Horne-Walters; Susan Gioia; Susan Gioia (Sgioia@cpo.com); yissania sanchez; Amy Bernard FCP; Amy January; Bergstrom, Melanie (DCF); BLOG; Bridget Hart; Burwood, Benjamin (DCF); Carney, Mary (DCF); Cooper-Dolan, Suzanne (DCF); Dunbar, Scott (DCF); Holdsworth, Dawn (DCF); Hubbard, Jennifer (DCF); jbeauchane@cs.com; Jeff Rajchel (Plummer); Lisa Rich Lynn DCF; Lyons, Nancy (DCF); Mahoney, Sandra (DCF); Maloney, Danielle (DCF); 'McIlvaine's'; Mcnulty, Regina (DCF); Me; Roach, Michelle (DCF); Sarah Weston; Soledad (home); Soledad Berrios; Stewart, Jane (DCF); Thomas, Sharon (DCF); Tracy Reilly; Zieba, Patricia (DCF); Benevento, Janice (DCF); Linda.Curcio; Diaz, Miguelina (DCF); Holak, Judith (DCF); Marconi, Kirsten (DCF); Miller, Mary (DCF); Roscoe, Lori (DCF); Simpson-Best, Meegan (DCF)
Subject: Toy Story Disney on Ice discounted tix
Hi all
Our old friend Tracy Reilly is offering us to order with her again!
2/24/11 at 2 pm
$9 each
balcony seats (I have always found them to be great seats)
At the Boston Fleet Center
Here is what i need (and sorry, this are always short time wise)
I need to know how many tickets you want. Deadline noon tomorrow (friday)
Then I need you to send me a check for the correct amount immediatley.
I am sorry, but each and every time i get stuck with people not sending checks. I dont have funds to play with. I use my own money for this. I will pay for tickets next wednesday. All money not rec'd by then, I will sell tickets as there are always people who ask after the fact.
I will email you back and say "got it" when i get your order. For some reason I do not get all emails and folks get left out. So please make sure I respond back to you to confirm.
NSYMCA Administrator - This email was filtered by Appriver.
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