Monday, May 2, 2011

Grandparents raising grandchildren

A Conversation on the

Joys and Challenges of

Raising Grandchildren

Thursday, May 5, 2011  - 10a.m. –11:30a.m.

  Senior Community Center, 90 Colon Street, Beverly

If you are a grandparent actively parenting a grandchild (ren) why not join us to discuss the joys and challenges of this special relationship and role.  The conversation will be led by Jaclyn Stanko, LICSW and Liz Bristow, MA from the Center for Family Development who hope to generate enough interest to form a group for grandparents who are parenting or who are caregivers of their grandchildren.  Refreshments will be served.

To register, call the Senior Center at 978-921-6017 by May 3, 2011.  Please note: If you are interested in participating in a grandparents group, but cannot attend the meeting on May 5th, please call the above number to put your name on our contact list. 

Possible topics for group discussion include:

·        community resources and support

·        the change in the grandparent-grandchild relationship

      when you are a parent

·        helping children deal with the change in roles

·        setting appropriate behavioral expectations for your grandchildren

·        generational differences in child rearing

·        effective ways of addressing grandchildren’s needs at school


This informational session is sponsored by the Beverly Public Schools, through the Integrated Comprehensive Resources in Schools Initiative in partnership with the Center for Family Development and the Beverly Council on Aging.

Check out our new blog!!!
Carla King
Foster Parent Recruiter
Department of Children and Families (formerly known as Dept Social Services)
Cape Ann Area Office
45 Congress Street, bldg #4
Salem, MA 01970
978-825-3862   direct DCF ext 33862

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