Wednesday, May 30, 2012

REMINDER: trianing- Taking Care of The Caregiver


                                   TAKING CARE OF THE CAREGIVER



                           TRAINING TO BE HELD IN THE SALEM DCF OFFICE


                           TAKING CARE OF THE CAREGIVER ON TUESDAY,


                            JUNE 5th 6:30 TO 8:30.   OUR SPEAKER FOR THE EVENING


                            IS DIANNE CORBIN




                            AT 978-531-3278.  PIZZA WILL BE SERVED.   


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Looks like a great website for info and discounts.  I just joined myself so I can’t see all it has to offer until I am approved.

But looks great!

We now have Storyland Discounts!



Not much, but $3 off reg rate.  So instead of $28.99 it’s $25.99


2012 Admission Pricing:

Ages Three and Above: $28.99 Per Person
Senior (age 60+): $26.99 Per Person
Active Military $25.99
Ages Under Three: FREE

• Unlimited Rides, Shows, and Attractions All Day Long!
      • Free Parking
      • Free Pet Kennels Use  






Hi All,


Please help us promote a GREAT family science & discovery event, Saturday, June 2nd at the Trustees of Reservations Education Center at Ravenswood Park, for preschool age children & their parents/caregivers.  Please copy, print & distribute the attached flyer or contact me for copies.  This free event is a wonderful opportunity to engage in family fun and visit one of Cape Ann’s treasured spots.  Please help us spread the word!


Best regards,



Amy Larsen, CFCE Grant Coordinator

Pathways for Children

29 Emerson Ave.

Gloucester, MA 01930

978 281-2400 x 120



FW: Free Fun Fridays

This is great FREE things throughout the summer… on Fridays…



siblings in foster care

Thought this was a great document to share about Sibling rights in foster care!

FW: $$$ Please Read...Foster Child Grant 2012-2013- DEADLINE July 1, 2012



From: Hubbard, Jennifer (DCF)
Sent: Monday, May 21, 2012 9:04 AM
To: DSS-DL - Lynn Users; DSS-DL - CapeAnn Users
Subject: $$$ Please Read...Foster Child Grant 2012-2013- DEADLINE July 1, 2012
Importance: High


Hello everyone,

Attached is the Foster Child Grant for next school year and can be a rather large grant, depending on the board of higher ed's budget. If you have a youth in college or beginning college in the  f all who came into DCF care on a C&P, were in care until their 18th birthday and are attending a Title IVE school full time please have them complete the attached form and either mail or fax to Central Office prior to July 1, 2012.

FYI- Youth attending out of state colleges are eligible for Foster Child Grant. Also, many vocational and cosmetology programs are also eligible.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Jen Hubbard

Adolescent Outreach Worker

Cape Ann/Lynn DCF



Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Foster Parents in the news.....

Here are some Danvers and Hamilton/Wenham Patch stories about foster parents!
May is National Foster Care month!
Liza and Andrew Sharp
Tammy Lantych
More to come!!!  watch the Patch for one this week as well!

Friday, May 11, 2012

grandparents raising grandchildren conference

this looks great!



Attached to this e-mail is an invitation to attend the first statewide conference for people working with grandparents raising grandchildren.  Please review the invitation and pass it along to anyone else who may be interested in learning more about working with kinship families. 


Any questions, please contact me at the Coastal Office 781-682-0850.  If you have trouble opening the attachment, click on "close" on the top bar and it should be readable after that. 


Thank you,

Colleen Pritoni


Thursday, May 10, 2012

Recompense Payroll

Another recompense payment on it's way!

Good Morning,
On Monday, May 7th The Department ran a recompense payrolll for the period of January 1,2012 to February 29,2012. The rate is $5.00 a day for children with service referrals with service dates between January 1, 2012 and February 29,2012 only ($155.00 for 31 days, $145.00 for 29 days). There is no need for an additional recompense payroll in FY2012 since the Department increased the foster care rates effective March 1,2012.  The official notification from the Commissioner's Office along with a copy of the letter that is being sent to foster parents (English &Spanish)  should be distributed shortly...but I thought I would send this along just in case you receive phone calls before you receive the official notification.
Take Care

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Training schedule changes

as I stated before, the training "No such thing as a bad kid" with Charlie Applestein have been moved to May 22nd.
Same place, Holiday Inn Peabody, and same time, 9-12.
The other training that was set for May 17th " Taking care of the caregiver" with Dianne Corbin has been changed to June 5th.
Salem place, DCF Salem Office and same time, 6:30-8:30 pm
Please let Nancy Lyons know if you will be attending.  978-825-3807
Check out our new blog!!!
Carla King
Foster Parent Recruiter
Department of Children and Families (formerly known as Dept Social Services)
Cape Ann Area Office
45 Congress Street, bldg #4
Salem, MA 01970
978-825-3862   direct DCF ext 33862

Monday, May 7, 2012

Summer Discounts!!! Please save for future reference


This list is update and I now have all tickets except Six Flags which i expect any day.
I will be out of the office from May 10-May 29th.  If you need tickets prior to that, please contact Sandy DeIulis at the Salem office.  She is in daily until about 4 so make sure you call ahead.


Discounts for summer activities

Water Country passes will be available again this year. This year’s admission is going up to $37.99. The pass price is $ 28.99 . Tickets may be purchased from Carla. Cash only please. These passes will be available all summer. Passes are valid with no expiration date. (Children under 48 inches are $24.99 at the door).

I will also be able to get tickets at  presale price of $27.  I need to have your order and payment by June 15th and I will order for the $27  price.  Later orders can be made but with advance notice and minimum purchase.


Six Flags passes will be available this year. The regular admission is $49.99 for adults 39.99 for children. The pass price is $31.00.  Tickets may be purchased from Carla. Cash only please. These passes will be available all summer.


Canobie Lake passes will be available this year. The regular admission is $33.00. The pass price is $27.00. Tickets may be purchased from Carla. Cash only please. These passes will be available all summer. (Children under 48 inches are $23 at the gate, children under 3 are free) Parking is free.

We now also have York's Wild Kingdom. The regular admission is $16.25 for children and $21.25 for adults. The pass price is only $11.00. These tickets can be used from Memorial Day to Labor Day. (Children under 4 years old are $4.75 and sold at the gate) Parking is free.  This includes the zoo, shows, amusement rides etc.



Coco Keys Water Resort discount

25% off for our families!

Please send me an e-mail for our online store link and password!



Santa’s Village Discounts

(this is for foster kids only)

This season, we are offering 1/2 off admission or $12.  The regular admission is $24. per person; children ages 3 and younger are always free of charge.  This includes all the fun-filled rides and fabulous shows for the day.  If you arrive within 3 hours of closing, you are entitled to return any other day of the season--including Christmastime.



New discount this year!


North Shore Navigators is offering us ticket at reduced rate of $4.00

Please contact Carla for more information

Check out our new blog!!!
Carla King
Foster Parent Recruiter
Department of Children and Families (formerly known as Dept Social Services)
Cape Ann Area Office
45 Congress Street, bldg #4
Salem, MA 01970
978-825-3862   direct DCF ext 33862

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

May is Foster Care Month - Be Proud of What You Do!

Just thought I would share this.
Thank you for all you do!


 NFPA Logo

The National Voice of Foster Parents

May is Foster Care Month
Be Proud of What You Do!

Dear NFPA Members and Friends,

As you know, May is National Foster Care Month. It is a time to recognize the exceptional dedication of foster parents and their families and those who work in the foster care system. The National Foster Parent Association is proud to be one of several like-minded national organizations that have partnered in planning for this recognition and the provision of materials that can be used to assist with specific activities and events during National Foster Care Month.

Resources are available from the National Foster Care Month website at If you haven’t been invited to an event in your local area or would like to do something, please go to the website for a wealth of suggestions for activities, sample proclamations and news releases and a calendar of events from around the country. You will also find a fact sheet specific to your state that may be helpful as you educate others about foster care and why it is important for every community to recognize their foster families.

Each state and local community observes May as National Foster Care Month in a variety of ways. Each state has a person who is designated as the state foster care manager and they should be helpful in identifying events and activities in your state.

NFPA has collaborated with US Airways and CNN to have recruitment spots and a two-minute interview utilized on an ongoing basis on airport monitors and on US Airways radio during the months of May through August 2012. We hope this four-month exposure in more than 40 main airports in the United States and on US Airways planes will plant many seeds that will grow into people stepping up to be foster and/or adoptive parents.

I hope to see many more Walk Me Home events planned for next year as foster parents and their support associations learn the importance of spreading the word about the need for more foster homes while raising funds for more retention supports for foster families in their local communities.

The bottom line is that foster parenting is the most difficult but most rewarding thing a person can do with their life. Changing the life of a child to help ensure a bright and happy future is priceless and foster parents do that each and every day. Hold your heads high and be proud of the volunteer work you do 24/7. Understand that the National Foster Parent Association acknowledges and appreciates your hard work and, if we could, would give every one of you a huge hug and a warm pat on the back.

As always, you are my heroes,
Irene Clements, NFPA President


NFPA Featured on CNN and US Airways

NFPA has been the voice of foster parents for more than 40 years and that voice will soon be heard by thousands of people traveling through airport terminals during the next several months.

NFPA is proud to represent its members during National Foster Care Month -- and to promote the need for more foster parents -- through its on-air promotions on CNN and on US Airways Radio.

So if you fly this month, be sure to watch airport monitors for NFPA's spot on CNN and if you're flying through US Airways this summer, listen out for the two-minute interview about the need for foster parents across the country.

Try the links below to view the clips that will air in May.
  - Two minute interview with Irene Clements
  - 15 second video spot - MOV version for Win/Mac or WMV version for Win

Let Us Feature One of Your Events

If your association or city has a National Foster Care Month activity or event you'd like to share, send to We'll link to your event on our website, Facebook and Twitter.

Have a great Foster Care Month!
National Foster Parent Association

National Foster Parent AssociationNational Foster Parent Association
2021 E Hennepin Ave #320
Minneapolis, MN 55413-1769
Phone: 800-557-5238
Fax: 888-925-5634

This email is sent to you from the National Foster Parent Association. If you no longer want to receive event emails from NFPA you can manage your contact preferences at the NFPA website. Login, then edit your member profile. NFPA respects your privacy. We will not share your personal information outside of NFPA.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Great Training!!

This is a great training and WELL worth the time!  Please note the date change from what you have been sent before :-)





MAY 22, 2012

9:00 AM – 12:00 PM



1 Newbury Street, Peabody





Presented by:

Charlie Appelstein, MSW


Charlie is a youth care specialist whose focus is on working with children with serious emotional and behavioral problems.  He approaches working with youth with humor and a belief that every child has strengths that can be built upon, once you and the child find them! An engaging, informative, and humorous speaker, Charlie is the author of three critically acclaimed books on youth care and the creator of two innovative CDs that helps kids and parents make better choices and lead happier lives. Charlie's strength-based approach delivers a message of hope and possibility to our most vulnerable youth and those who shape and influence their lives.


RSVP to Nancy Lyons 978-531-3278

June Littlefield 978-278-5412

or by replying to this email