Tuesday, May 29, 2012

FW: $$$ Please Read...Foster Child Grant 2012-2013- DEADLINE July 1, 2012



From: Hubbard, Jennifer (DCF)
Sent: Monday, May 21, 2012 9:04 AM
To: DSS-DL - Lynn Users; DSS-DL - CapeAnn Users
Subject: $$$ Please Read...Foster Child Grant 2012-2013- DEADLINE July 1, 2012
Importance: High


Hello everyone,

Attached is the Foster Child Grant for next school year and can be a rather large grant, depending on the board of higher ed's budget. If you have a youth in college or beginning college in the  f all who came into DCF care on a C&P, were in care until their 18th birthday and are attending a Title IVE school full time please have them complete the attached form and either mail or fax to Central Office prior to July 1, 2012.

FYI- Youth attending out of state colleges are eligible for Foster Child Grant. Also, many vocational and cosmetology programs are also eligible.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Jen Hubbard

Adolescent Outreach Worker

Cape Ann/Lynn DCF



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