Hi How many do you have?
Jackie Forte
Director of the Family Support Program
Center number-781-686-4527
Fax- 781-569-0037
Riverside Community Care
Family Support Center
300 West Cummings Park, Suite 354
Woburn Ma 01801
Please note our new address above.
Visit our program website www.riversidefamilysupport.org
Visit our agency website www.riversidecc.org for more information about
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From: King, Carla (DCF) [mailto:carla.king@state.ma.us]
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2012 1:07 PM
To: King, Carla (DCF); doloresdean@aol.com; Emily Lockman; Shannon; Yvette Irvin; Amanda Martin; AngeAgn@aol.com; Arden Cuoco; Carla Budrow; Carol Casey (Ccasey@mspcc.org); Chris and Wayne; 'cinloudunn@yahoo.com'; Clair Davis; Daphne Fan Home (luvjdrobb@yahoo.com); Daphne.Fantauzzi@med.va.gov; Debbie Keough (deborahmkeogh@gmail.com); Dennis Reardon; DONNA B; Elane Gilmore (mupeeber@gmail.com); Ellen Deurloo (Fostermom81@verizon.net); erincon_12@msn.com; Holly Spencer; Jason Spencer; jemacu04@yahoo.com; Jen Banville; Jo-Alice; John Lindsay; Julie Gordon (Jul71500@aol.com); Jwlloyd60@aol.com; Karenmarisa@msn. com (Karenmarisa@msn.com); Ken Stockwell; Laurie A. Raposo; Lenore Downs; Lisa and Crystal; Liz Sharp (liza@sharpteam.org); Mark Douglas ; Mark Libon (Mlibon@hes-inc.org); Marsha Conway; Maureen Reardon; Mike Tetrault; MilitaryDeborah@comcast.net; Mona Farrin (MonaFarrin@hotmail.com); Mona Farrin2 (yellowroseblossem@yahoo.com); mosermaryj@aol.com; Nanette Maden (Nanjimal@aol.com); Pat Foley (pfoley@nebhealth.org); Peggy Garvin (mayne77@comcast.net); Quigleys (betsyquigley@verizon.net); Richard and Corinne Freeman; Richard Fried; robinhough@netscape.net; sarah patch; Scott Lantych; sfgenovese@msn.com; Shana Tetrault (STetrault@intelligentmdx.com); Shannon Kent; Sue Mulley (themulleys@verizon.net); Tara Bean (jaden42997@comcast.net); Tara Lyne (ttlyne@gmail.com); Ted and Cindy Ramsdell (tramsdell@juno.com); truebluecrusader@hotmail.com; Vashon and Glen Hiltpold (vwallace@umext.umass.edu); Allison Wolper; Andrea Walke; brandileeann@hotmail.com; Brenda Daniels; Carol S; D Vocino (dvocino@hotmail.com); Denise Delaney; Heather Fullerton; Heather Michaud; Heidi Cassista (HMC304@aol.com); James Conn; Joy Scholes; Kelly Dejesus; Lee Thompson; Lisa Treat; Paul Smeltsor; ricochet12@verizon.net; rvm1969; Scott Kugal (kugelsconstruction@verizon.net); Stephanie Horne Walters; Susan Gioia; Susan Gioia (Sgioia@cpo.com); Amy January; Bergstrom, Melanie (DCF); BLOG; Bridget Hart; Cooper-Dolan, Suzanne (DCF); Dunbar, Scott (DCF); Holdsworth, Dawn (DCF); Hubbard, Jennifer (DCF); Jacqueline Forte; jbeauchane@cs.com; Jeff Rajchel (Plummer); Kristen D'Andrea; Lisa Rich Lynn DCF; Lyons, Nancy (DCF); Mahoney, Sandra (DCF); Maloney, Danielle (DCF); MAmpollone@nebhealth.org; Marescalchi, Alicia (DCF); 'McIlvaine's'; Mcnulty, Regina (DCF); Me; Mscarano@familycontinuity.org; Roach, Michelle (DCF); Sarah Weston; Stewart, Jane (DCF); Tabatha Mello (Head Start); Thomas, Sharon (DCF); Tracy Ingersoll; Tracy Ingersoll; Zieba, Patricia (DCF); (gcahill58@aol.com); Amanda M; Christina Arias; Geovanie; Janie Shields; Laura McGivney; Lisa Thomas; Michelle Sher; Nannett Navarra; onli1mzdee@gmail.com; Popescu; Rebecca and Rafi; Rita Hill; Rosa and Gustavo; Roscoe, Lori (DCF); Scott Scuturio
I still have tickets for the August 19th game! Let me know if you are interested!
I have free Lowell Spinner tickets Sunday august 19th.
Let me know if you want some and how many are in your family!
I can mail if you give me your address!
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