Tuesday, September 18, 2012

tip of the week!

   Tip of the Week
  (TotW archives)

Do foster parents have to apply for the free/reduced school lunch program for their foster children? 

No.  All foster children and youth are automatically eligible for free school meals.  Upon enrollment,  the DCF Social Worker only needs to give the Notice to LEA Form or a copy of the mittimus to the school. If the foster parent is enrolling the student, they need to sign the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) form, self-attesting the child’s foster care status.

For continuing students, the school will develop a list of currently enrolled foster children. Once enrolled, foster children remain eligible for the entire year (and up to 30 days of the next school year). This is true even if the child changes schools, leaves foster care or returns to his/her biological or adoptive family. 


Before, or soon after school starts, DCF Social Workers should make sure foster parents are aware of this and check with students.  For a copy of a letter that can be used with foster parents (in English and Spanish) click here.  For more information about the automatic eligibility click here.



Check out our blog!!!   http://capeanndss.blogspot.com/


Carla King

Foster Parent Recruiter

Department of Children and Families (formerly known as Dept Social Services)

Cape Ann Area Office

45 Congress Street, bldg #4

Salem, MA 01970

978-825-3862   direct DCF ext 33862




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