Family Rounds: free lectures for parents and professionals October 18, 2012 12 noon - 2pm - Please note a longer session Davenport 4 Board Room, NSMC Salem Hospital "An IEP for my Child: A Workshop for Parents and Professionals" Presenter: Clare Vann, Private Special Education Attorney, Federation for Children with Special Needs Clare Vann is a special education attorney in private practice representing parents in their efforts to get the special education services and program their children need. She began working in the field of special education law in 1981 as a volunteer at the Federal for Children with Special Needs, where she was quickly hired to help teach special education advocacy courses and to train parents in their rights under special education law. She frequently conducts workshops on special education law on behalf of the Federation, and she has recently written a guide on transition services and issues for the Federation. (The transition guide is expected to be published by the Federation sometime in 2012). Ms. Vann has been an attorney since 1986, and has an outstanding track record in her cases. She has family members with a variety of disabilities. Every child with a disability who receives special education services must have an Individual Education Program. This workshop takes parents step-by-step through the development of the IEP including how to articulate a vision, using evaluations to write measurable goals and measuring their child's progress. Registration is required as space is limited: email or call 978 354 2670. Lectures are FREE on the third Thursday of the month. | SAVE THE DATES! Nov 15th "Beyond Words: Supporting Grieving Children Using Creative Arts" Fall 2012 - Winter 2013 Family Rounds Series Please post and share. | New program on Mindfulness for Children in Every Day Life for 8-10 year olds Eight boys began the pilot class on September 26th with lots of energy, enthusiasm and expression! The boys are curious and open to trying new practices for life experience, guided by Marguerite Roberts and Jeff Prince. The winter session on Mindfulness for 8-10 year olds begins January 23, 2013. Several children have already enrolled. We are extremely grateful to Todd and Deborah Burger for their generous donation and selecting this innovative project targeting a younger population. Their gift will be appreciated by many families in the North Shore. Our 8 week Adult class began on September 26th after an Open House "A Taste of Mindfulness" held on September 12th for the community. The next Adult and High School Teen sessions will begin January 23. Orientation will take place Jan 9th and 16th. Registrations are now open; participants , including many teens and parent pairs, are enrolling for the winter session Click here or call 978-354-2670. NEW - We will be offering "Maintain your Practice" Sunday sessions at the request of and for any past graduates of our MBSR program interested in refreshing mindfulness practices. Both yoga and guided meditation will be supported. January 27th and April 7th from 6-7:30 p.m., at the Healing Atrium, Union Hospital.Pre-registration appreciated; nominal drop-in fee. Please call 978-354-2670 for more information. Welcome back all participants! The fall All Day Retreat for adults is Sunday, November 4, 2012 8:30-4pm at the Healing Atrium, Union Hospital. Current participants as well as past graduates of the Adult MBSR class are welcome to attend the day of practice at no cost. The winter All Day Retreat is scheduled for Saturday, March 2, 2013. The spring All Day Retreat is scheduled for Saturday, May 11, 2013. | BEHAVIORAL HEALTH LIBRARY | The Family Resource Center is happy to announce that we are nearing our 10th Year Anniversary. We are grateful for all who have supported and continue to support our programs. Please visit our wish list and consider donating a book in honor of your child and/or family member or a provider who has made a difference in your families' life. Thank You! Behavioral Health Library: for children, adolescents, parents and professionals. Located on the 4th floor of MassGeneral for Children at North Shore Medical Center. Hours: Monday-Friday 12 noon - 4 pm Thank you Jessica Copeland for the donation Depression SUCKS!, Laurie Strongin for the donation Saving Henry; Ann for the donation Ninety Days (Learn to Cope library); Katie for the donations of Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul; The Great Kapok Tree, When Someone Very Special Dies, Have you seen my Potty?, Will There Be a Lap for Me?,Tom for Are Those Kids Yours?, Safe Passage - Making it Through Adolescence In a Risky Society, Just My Friend and Me, I Was So Mad, Am I The Only One?; Lisa Mastrocola for the donation of Magical Journey Meditations; David for the donation Wasted, a memoir of anorexia and bullmia, Learning Disabilities - A Contemporary Journal; | Parents of children with Asperger's There may be a new educational group available if there is sufficient interest. We see so many children with Asperger's in the Resource Center and families looking for information. Shalini Bhalla, Psy.D., Psychologist; Coordinator, Behavioral Medicine Team; Outpatient Mental Health at Mass General for Children at NSMC has offered to start a psychoeducation and support series for a nominal fee. Please let us know if you may be interested. ADHD Parent Support Group NEW Parenting Children with Asperger's Bipolar Parent Support Group NEW Teens with Depression: group for HS students Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Group Grief Recovery After a Substance Passing - GRASP Learn to Cope, North Shore:Oct 11th group viewing film "Narcotic Misconceptions" with discussion to follow; Nov 29th Melissa, author of "heroin's Puppet" Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction: Adults, Teens and Children Obsessive Compulsive Disorder | |  | Parenting Children with Asperger's: Education and Support Group with sufficient interest Support Group for Teens 14-17 years (HS students) with Depression, 3 part series | | | | |
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