Rise Above Foundation is a nonprofit dedicated to providing
Founded in 2009, Rise Above is a recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that was established to respond to the growing need to give youth in foster care opportunities that will give them a sense of normalcy, provide comfort, and build self-esteem. Since it began, Rise Above has provided activities for more than 180 children in foster care.
By funding individual wishes for requests like prom expenses, soccer registration, and clarinet lessons, Rise Above strives to provide positive experiences for foster children.
Please click on: www.weriseabove.org for additional information!
It may take Rise Above up to 30 days to review each application. Time sensitive requests may be considered, but please contact us at info@weriseabove.org or at 855-246-8850 ahead of submitting an application.
What we fund and/or provide:
- Musical instrument rentals and purchase
- Art and writing classes and supplies
- Music, Martial Arts, dance, gymnastics and other lessons and supplies
- Little League, soccer, football, hockey, basketball and other team sport fees, uniform costs, equipment, and league fees
- BMX, Skateboarding, Snowboarding, etc. fees and supplies
- Computers, mp3 players, etc.
- Bicycles, roller blades, pads and helmets
- Theme park admission tickets
- Class trips, family vacations
- Concert and sporting event tickets
- Prom clothes, tickets, and photos
- Religious/cultural celebrations (Quinceanera, Bar and Bat Mitvahs, Confirmation, etc.)
- Graduation clothes
- Post-secondary education and training
- Apartment set-ups
- Special requests
What we don’t fund:
- Awards to children who are no longer in the custody of the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families
- Furniture or home fixtures/improvements, debt relief (home bills, utilities, etc.)
- Services or benefits that are available from other public, private or governmental agencies, which normally include daycare, pre-school, counseling services, therapy, wheel chairs or van lifts, etc.
- Reimbursement for funds spent prior to Rise Above approval
- Clothing, other than clothing pertaining to lesson/athletic memberships, or special social events
- Blocks of applications from individual group homes, or other groups, for the same activity
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