Friday, November 22, 2013

anyone have babies???

I have someone willing to give FIVE FREE weeks of massage class for babies.

I know many of you out there have babies now! It’s up to age 1. 

I want to feel folks out to see what interest is. She needs 5 to make a class.  Once a week.

Can you let me know if this interests you? Thanks!



New Beginnings @ Insideout Health & Wellness, 

162 Main St. Wenham, Ma  978-468-4294


New Beginnings was inspired by Vickie Greenaway, LMT(licensed massage therapist), CEIM (certified educator infant massage) because of her passion to share the therapeutic benefits of massage.  Touch is Baby’s first language, and the art of soothing your baby will create deep emotional bonds, it will lay the foundation for a lifetime of love, trust, courage and dependability.


The power of touch can relax, help with communication and development, and build confidence for the infant and caregiver through creating a stronger bond between the two. Invest in your child’s health and learn tools that will last a lifetime!

 Research has shown:


Benefits for Parents/caregiver

Helps parents feel more confident and competent in caring for their children
• Helps parents to ease their stress and bond with child

• Creates a regular time of intimacy between parent and child.
• Increases parents' self-esteem by reinforcing and enhancing their skills as parents, and validates their role
• Gives parents the tools for understanding their child's unique rhythms and patterns
• Teaches parents how to read their infants' cues and recognize their states of awareness

• Daily massage helps parents to unwind and relax
• Provides a positive way for fathers to interact with their infants/children

Benefits for infants, babies and children include the following:

• Provides a special time of communication that fosters love, compassion, and respect
• Improves general well-being
Improves overall functioning of the gastrointestinal tract
• Promotes relaxation and helps babies self-regulate calm, which reduces crying
• Helps to normalize muscle tone
• Improves circulation
• Enhances immune system function

Helps to improve sensory and body awareness
• Enhances neurological development
• Helps baby/child to sleep deeper and more soundly
• Helps to increase oxygen and nutrient flow to cells. Improves respiration
• Helps to improve pain managament; can relieve discomfort from teething,

• Helps with congestion, gas, and colic
• Enhances release of hormones in the body. The growth hormone can be stimulated which helps weight gain.
• Reduces levels of cortisol, the stress hormone
• Provides all of the essential indicators of intimate parent-infant bonding and attachment: eye-to-eye, touch, voice, smell, movement, and thermal regulation.
• Stimulates all of the physiological systems. Massage sparks the neurons in their brains to grow and branch out to encompass other neurons.


About Infant Massage Classes

classes are designed to help parents and caregivers learn massage techniques and exercises to help babies (and parents) with a wide variety of conditions. The class' primary focus will be on babies aged 6 weeks through 1 year, however the techniques can be valuable for children older than a year as well. Babies are welcome and encouraged to be brought to class so that the parent can practice the techniques right on the baby. If a baby is unavailable or unwilling to cooperate, a simulation (doll) can be used


For expectant parents, f you would like to attend the class as an addition to your prenatal education, you are more than welcome.

this class is still wonderful and beneficial for children over the age of one through the toddler years, however once children start moving, crawling, walking, etc - it is difficult to keep them contained and focused during the class which then distracts mom or whoever has brought the child. For older children, they are more than welcome - it simply depends on the child and how the caregiver feels the child will handle the class.



- A pillow or "Boppy" for the baby and a pillow or cushion for yourself to sit on
- A receiving blanket or other warm blanket in case baby gets cold
- Additional diapers just in case

- A notepad or other device for taking notes during class
- A baby (preferably yours)
- For expectant parents / grandparents / others, we will try to have enough dolls available, but if you wish you can bring a doll or a similarly shaped stuffed animal (4 limbs, torso, head).


TO WEAR: Comfortable, lightweight clothing (we will be sitting on the floor and the room will be heated for the baby's comfort.) Dress baby in an outfit with separate top and bottom (so we can keep one end warm while we work on the other.)


It was through massage Vickie found freedom from debilitated pain and improved quality of life. In 2010 she became a licensed massage therapist from SpaTech Institute in Plymouth, MA. She is passionate and dedicated to help others achieve optimal health and well-being. With her fresh and intuitive approach, she specializes in deep tissue, trigger point, pre-natal, myofascial, positional release and other modalities. Her treatment plans include client self care techniques. Vickie is a fitness foam roller instructor. She is currently working on her Doula Certification and Parent Infant Massage Educator Certification. In her free time she loves creative outlets and discovering outdoor adventures




Vickie Greenaway, LMT
Insideout Health & Wellness    
162 Main St. Wenham, MA

Massage Therapist, Fitness Foam Roller Instructor

For appointments available click: BOOK NOW 




Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2013 14:12:32 -0500
Subject: RE: baby massage

Yes that was me!  I thought I could do a training here, but I can certainly offer folks to attend yours! Thanks!


From: Amy Larsen []
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2013 2:03 PM
To: King, Carla (DCF)
Subject: baby massage


Hi Carla,


I had a message today on my voicemail from Vicki in regards to an email that she received from you (I think!) about offering the baby massage for foster parents.  It would be perfectly appropriate and wonderful to have any families fostering children  attend the training we are offering. 


Once Vicki finishes her certification she will be offering trainings in Hamilton where she practices massage.  You can follow up with her directly as to what the cost may be and if she is available to come to Salem or what have you.  She presently is doing some volunteer hours for Pathways and otherwise is quite busy with her practice and her new venture in baby/parent massage training so isn’t able to offer any additional free trainings .  If you are interested in offering it to foster parents you may consider contacting the Salem or Peabody CFCE grant coordinator (contact info on EEC website) to see if they could fund it.  We are able to use some CFCE funds in Gloucester to offer Vicki some compensation for your time and talents.


Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any information.


Warm regards,


Amy Larsen, CFCE Grant Coordinator

Pathways for Children

29 Emerson Ave.

Gloucester, MA 01930

978 281-2400 x 120



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