Tuesday, August 26, 2014

FW: Identifying New Treatments in Acute Psychological Trauma and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

A foster parent asked me to forward. Looks great and it's free!

Please see the information below regarding a training opportunity and resource for individuals living with trauma and their families. Please feel free to pass this information along to anyone who might be


There is still time to register! Please join us for the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) Department of Psychiatry's upcoming patient and family education program:

Identifying New Treatments in Acute Psychological Trauma and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. This program will benefit patients living with trauma and their families.

Presented by:

* Massachusetts General Hospital and Red Sox Foundation Home Base Program

* The Center for Anxiety and Traumatic Stress Disorders (CATSD)

* The Massachusetts General Hospital Psychiatry Academy
Sponsored by:

The Sidney R. Baer, Jr. Foundation

Target Audience:

This free educational program is designed exclusively for patients, families and friends. This program is not offered for continuing education credit.


* Helping Children Cope with Trauma

* Pharmacological Treatments for PTSD

* Management of Acute Response to Trauma

* Psychological Interventions for PTSD

Saturday, September 6, 2014
10 am - 3:15 pm, with check-in from 9:15-10 am Complimentary coffee, tea, and lunch will be served.

Massachusetts General Hospital
The Starr Center Auditorium
Charles River Plaza, 185 Cambridge Street, 2nd floor Boston, MA, 02114


The program is offered at no charge for patients and their families.

Transportation and Parking:

Due to the increasing demands of patient and patient visitor parking, MGH is no longer able to support event parking in the Fruit Street, Parkman Street, Yawkey, or Charles River Plaza garages. Because of the hospital's close proximity to the Charles/Mass General Red Line Station, the use of public transportation whenever possible for this event is highly recommended. Parking will no longer be validated free of charge.

Seating is limited and pre-registration is required. To register or learn more about the program, visit www.mghpatientfamily.org<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001OBLPmj-IWzf9k7-ZZw4DLPIcADRdN327KlEFucKQUozZ7lfczZNy574Xgim1Qh_XnNeE9dBCXWgKt7nzwpX7v4xrzts0-5swhSNVq3cfn0J8YkLEm0lNZxOVPWbHs1x4pMrm4Pi1ifUf_L7cNv_7GBJ03nbD7WXq4lOMs_9b4dZqyppKVKbNMQ==&c=aVQUp5R3W7erqHbbFPW4wKsTPgY1J4lvxX8zAWL1rLnT5lZVqPT-Dg==&ch=M_8qSUOkk4Qt6VJzFwMKjZ6NN7ysTs3Kth5LLW3FtdAVH7dixt7wgg==> or call 866-644-7792.

Contact Information
phone: 866-644-7792

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1 comment:

Jhon mac said...

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I am very happy to your post about on. Great information, I would like to say your post is very informative. you did a wonderful thing and should be proud of yourself for sharing.
mgh psychiatry academy