This a great resource! If you go to any, make sure your family resource worker knows in order to document your trainings in your record J

OCTOBER 2014 |
| Family Rounds: free lectures for parents and professionals October 16, 2014 12 noon - 1:30 p.m. Davenport 4 Board Room, Salem Hospital "Divorce and its Impact on Children's Development"
Presenters: Madeline Segal, LICSW & Rosalyn Dunn, LMHC Providers for Massachusetts State Mandated Workshops REGISTER TODAY as space is limited: email or call 978 354 2670. Lectures are FREE on the third Thursday of the month. |
MARK YOUR CALENDARS 2014 FAMILY ROUNDS November 20 - School Phobia
December 18 - "Always Picked Last:" Conquering the Bullies, A guide to finding your way in life January 15 - Supporting children through a parent' life threatening illness Please contact the Family Resource Center if you have a specific topic you would like to see presented for the winter~spring 2015 schedule click here to print flyer to forward / post |
HIGH SCHOOL / COLLEGE WORKSHOPS A Friday evening three hour workshop "An Introduction to Mindfulness" was held for HS and college-age teens this summer. The response was very positive from the participants! Aspects of mindfulness and stress with real life examples were discussed, and the biology of the stress response were presented with typical physical sensations in the body as noted by participants along with, emotions and thoughts. Several meditation practices were done together. Supporting videos were viewed with opportunities to snack and chat. Potential responses were compared with healthy choices. Everyone took away new perspectives and many asked for follow-up sessions.
We therefore have planned to hold four similar teen workshops throughout the year, each with a mindfulness-based theme. The teens specifically asked for scheduled hours: Friday evenings 7-10 p.m. PERCEPTION - October 24 CONDITIONING - January 23 COMMUNICATION/STRESS - April 24 INTEGRATING MINDFULNESS INTO DAILY LIFE - July 24 "A Boston Area Teen Daylong Retreat for Teens " with iBme on Sunday, November 16 Once again, the nationally known iBme (Inward Bound Mindfulness Education) will run a teen retreat in collaboration with the NSMC Family Center for Mindfulness for 13-19 year olds on Sunday November 16th 1:00-5:00pm at the Healing Atrium, Union Hospital. The event last spring was a wonderful, innovative and expressive event for all attending! TWEEN Workshop: Introduction to Mindfulness for 11-13 years old on October 26 This workshop was offered to give tweens a taste of mindfulness, learning practices to direct attention in awareness, with kindness and curiosity last spring. Recognition and understanding of stress and typical reactions along with interactive activities made for energetic group learning and practice with life skills. ADULT MINDFULNESS PROGRAMS - 8 WK / 9 Sessions Two full separate adult classes will begin their training in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction on Wednesday nights at MassGeneral North Shore Center for Outpatient Care in Danvers. The All Day Retreat for current and past participants will be held on November 2nd at the Healing Atrium at Union Hospital. All adults: whether caregivers of partners, aging parents, parents of children with special needs; or anyone living with their own chronic disease or pain; dealing with life's challenges or losses or simply looking to enrich their lives ... are welcome to participate in the Adult Program. None of us can control the stress in our lives but we can control how we respond to stress and better support our own health and well-being. The comment we hear most often from adults is that the program is ~ "life changing". Click here for Healthy Life - Mind Body Connection Patient Stories MINDFULNESS IN EVERYDAY LIFE for A full class of current participants have been oriented with their parents and are excited to begin classes on Thursdays 4;30- 6 p.m. over the next 8 weeks. Our program has developed over the years with more playful activities and personal practices created and recorded by the teachers. Participants tell us the mindfulness program cool, magical, calming, peaceful and fun! Parents and siblings are practicing together at the end of each class too. "ROOM TO BREATHE" film was previewed The film made by about bringing mindfulness into a middle school in San Francisco and the benefits for the challenging teens that participants was viewed on the evening of September 15 with educators, adjustment counselors, school nurses and parents from the north shore. A lively discussion followed with ideas to bring mindfulness to children of many ages through school systems. The film was viewed today by ALL Salem Public School Nurses as part of Professional Development Day. MONTHLY MEDITATION PRACTICE SESSIONS Please join us on October 26 and following months for Maintain (or Begin) Your Mindfulness Practice Sessions to take place on Sunday's at 6 p.m. at the Healing Atrium, Union Hospital. No previous experience is required. This may be an opportunity to try several meditation practices. You may even want to sign-up for our full spring 2015 Stress Reduction Program. Pre-registration is appreciated. Past TEEN participants are welcome to attend at NO CHARGE. A nominal donation from adults is appreciated. Click here for flyer. The film was was viewed by all Salem Public School nurses as part of their Professional Development Day today with very creative feedback and interest in implementation. We are extremely grateful for all the donations to the Stress Reduction Mindfulness Programs: the Burger Family the Colorusso Family the Roberts Family Trust Dunkin Donuts (partial scholarships for the adult MBSR program are now available to parents of children with special needs) Funding efforts continue to make all these programs available to all families. |
The Family Resource Center would welcome the donation of a color copier for our groups and children's classes. Please contact us at 978-354-2670 Located on the 4th floor of MassGeneral for Children at North Shore Medical Center, Room #426. Hours: Monday-Friday 12 noon - 4 pm Behavioral Health Library: for children, adolescents, parents and professionals. |
Donation from Learn to Cope to the Family Resource Center is still tremendously appreciated!! - ADHD Parent Support Group
- Bipolar Parent Support Group
- TEEN Depression Group
- Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
- Grief Recovery After a Substance Passing - GRASP
- Learn to Cope North Shore - Speaker Series; Addiction as Disease video from Plymouth House Oct 2nd, Annie in recovery Oct 9th; Nick in recovery Dec 4th; Jeff Prince MD on Dual Diagnosis Dec 11th
- Parents Helping Parents
- Sibshop Sibling Support: Oct 25, Dec 13, Feb 7, Apr 11
- Stress Reduction Clinic Programs: Adults, Teens, 11-13 year olds and Children 8-10 year old
View information on individual Support Groups or post and share our One-Page Programs Flyer flyer click here. |
| Please consider making a donation to our Behavioral Health Library: ** All donations are tax deductible as we are a non-profit 501(c)3 organization. Books in the Behavioral Health Library and Family Support programs through the Family Resource Center are made available through fundraising | |
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| Marguerite Roberts, MS, NP, Director NSMC Family Resource Center in Behavioral Health Call 978.354.2670 with questions about all programs and anything in this newsletter. |
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