Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Conference


The Commission on the Status of Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

invites you to attend 

The 5th Annual Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Conference

for grandparents, kinship caregivers,

support group facilitators, providers, 

and community leaders


June 8, 2016

9:00 a.m. -3:00 p.m.

The Courtyard Marriott Hotel

75 Felton Street

Marlborough, Ma.  01752




This event will provide you an opportunity to meet, collaborate, and learn from various providers and state agencies working with and on behalf of grandparents and kinship caregivers from across the Commonwealth.  


The Conference is FREE and Lunch is included

Registration begins at 9:00 a.m.

Light Morning pastries and refreshments will be provided


-The morning session will include an interactive panel discussion about how the opioid epidemic has impacted children and families 

throughout Massachusetts.


-In the afternoon, conference participants will have a variety of workshops to choose from covering topics such as The Legal System, Creating Supports Groups in Local Communities, How Trauma Impacts Children and Families, and The Importance of Self-Care.




Please register with Colleen Pritoni by June 1st!



or call (617) 748-2454




Sponsored by

The Commission on The Status of Grandparents Raising Grandchildren





Join Our Mailing List



Massachusetts Commission on the Status of Grandparents Raising Grandchildren, 600 Washington Street  6th Floor, Boston, MA 02111



Sent by contactus@massgrg.com in collaboration with


Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Invitation attached: Boston Region Foster Parent Recruitment Event

Please join us for a FREE FUN DAY AT THE ZOO!

This is a recruitment event! Please bring your friends that might be interested in foster care!

Summer discounts are here!!!!--please keep for future reference







































Check out our blog!!!   http://capeanndss.blogspot.com/


Carla King

Foster Parent Recruiter

Department of Children and Families (formerly known as Dept Social Services)

Cape Ann Area Office

45 Congress Street, bldg #4

Salem, MA 01970



Tuesday, April 12, 2016

April Vacation Week on Cape Ann



Hi Folks,

For those families planning on a “staycation” over April school vacation week, please consider some of the wonderful offering right here at home!  Both the Sawyer Free Library and the Rockport Public Library are offering events FREE of charge, open to all Cape Ann families and full of family fun. The Trustees of Reservations, at Ravenswood Park (and beyond) offers great opportunities for families to get out and enjoy nature just as spring is (finally) arriving.  Art Haven and Gloucester Maritime are teaming up with programming all week for children ages 4-13 years old and may still have scholarships available too.  Please click on the following link for info on activities at Art Haven.  http://www.arthaven.org/april-vacation-1/

For details on programs at the Sawyer Free Library, I suggest you visit their website as some programs require registration. www.sawyerfreelibrary.org-  full calendar section.   Highlights of the week include: Dads & Donuts on Saturday April 16th from 10-11 am for children and one of their special adults for stories, crafts, fun and donuts.   Storytime for toddlers on Wednesday and Friday at 10-11am.  On Thursday at 10-11am. school-aged children can participate in a Story Flag Event and families can still register for Science Club- PEEP science fun, offered to children grades 2 and up (parents attend too) on Friday from 2-2:45 pm.  

Please see the attached flyer on all the week activities at Ravenswood Park.  Pathways’ playgroup families, remember you are all invited to enjoy the Animal Tracking & Hermit’s Tales walk on Thursday, April 21, 1-3 pm with yours truly there for outdoor fun!

Rockport Public Library has a full week of fun and learning.  To those of you with young children, the “Sing into Spring” with Sarah Gardner on Tuesday at 10am is especially fun for the kiddos.  I will be in attendance too to help welcome our playgroup friends! See the attached flyer for all the week’s programs.

Also please bear in mind that the libraries offer passes to many of the area museums at reduced or free admittance. Children love a train ride into the city and a well planned visit to the Boston Children’s Museum, the Aquarium, or the Museum of Science have areas appropriate for young children as well as school age children.  The key to a successful visit is preparedness and lots of energy!

As spring finally arrives, we can all finally get out and enjoy walks (or runs for kids) on the beach, visits to the parks, Dogtown or many of local trails our beautiful areas offers us all, for absolutely no cost at all, and of more value than “things” money can buy! 

Have fun building memories with your children, they grow up fast!

Warm regards,






Foster parent newsletter

Hi all!

Here is our current newsletter

Current foster homes will get in the mail, but there is great info so wanted to send to all (staff, FP from other offices, adopted families etc)

PLEASE NOTE- only our current, open, Salem foster homes are invited to our Foster Parent Appreciation Dinner.  J


Check out our blog!!!   http://capeanndss.blogspot.com/


Carla King

Foster Parent Recruiter

Department of Children and Families (formerly known as Dept Social Services)

Cape Ann Area Office

45 Congress Street, bldg #4

Salem, MA 01970



TONIGHT! It's the 3rd Annual Brain Building In Progress Family Fun Night!


Ill have a table there! Come see me!!!



Can't see images? Click here...


Early Childhood Partners/Coordinated Family & Community Engagement

Your local Massachusetts Coordinated Family & Community Engagement grantee



Tonight is the 3rd Annual Brain Building In Progress Family Fun Night!

The 3rd Annual Family Fun Night is tonight, 4/12 from 6:00pm to 7:30pm at the Hamilton-Wenham Library. There will be live entertainment, craft, arts, & activities geared for children infant up to grade 3. There will be something for everybody! We hope you can be there! We will be giving away books! 

NEW: The Early Childhood Partners table will be accpeting donations to help the Board of Health and Acord Food Pantry for the local Diaper Drive. Click here to learn more. They especially need larger sizes, 3-6. All packages must be unopened. Bring a package of diapers to the Brain Building In Progress Family Fun Night event and we will deliver to the Board of Health. Please spread the word! 


P.S. I will accept donations at all playgroups throughout the month of April. All packages will be delivered by me to the Board of Health. Thanks! 








Early Childhood Partners/Coordinated Family & Community Engagement

130 Essex Street, S. Hamilton, MA



You received this email because you signed up on our website, at a playgroup or workshop, or requested via email or telephone to be added to the list. 




Monday, April 11, 2016

FREE circus tickets!

For the Shriner’s Circus in Wilmington

Friday April 22nd at 10:00

You must arrive by 9:30 no one will be admitted after 9:45


Let me know if you will want tickets and how many for your family.

This is for your own family and foster children, we can’t accommodate outside family, friends etc.



Check out our blog!!!   http://capeanndss.blogspot.com/


Carla King

Foster Parent Recruiter

Department of Children and Families (formerly known as Dept Social Services)

Cape Ann Area Office

45 Congress Street, bldg #4

Salem, MA 01970




This looks like a great training! 


Hi everyone,  I wanted to let foster parents know that our training in the Salem Office on Wednesday the 20th has now been changed to Thursday the 28th.   A mother, father and son speak about the impact the son's drug addiction had on the entire family.  This training has been very successful and very much enjoyed in other area offices.




Thursday, April 28th, 6:30 to 8:30 (changed from April 20th)

Salem DCF office  


Please call Nancy Lyons at 978-825-3807 or 978-531-3278

                    June Littlefield 978-378-5412