Tuesday, April 12, 2016

April Vacation Week on Cape Ann



Hi Folks,

For those families planning on a “staycation” over April school vacation week, please consider some of the wonderful offering right here at home!  Both the Sawyer Free Library and the Rockport Public Library are offering events FREE of charge, open to all Cape Ann families and full of family fun. The Trustees of Reservations, at Ravenswood Park (and beyond) offers great opportunities for families to get out and enjoy nature just as spring is (finally) arriving.  Art Haven and Gloucester Maritime are teaming up with programming all week for children ages 4-13 years old and may still have scholarships available too.  Please click on the following link for info on activities at Art Haven.  http://www.arthaven.org/april-vacation-1/

For details on programs at the Sawyer Free Library, I suggest you visit their website as some programs require registration. www.sawyerfreelibrary.org-  full calendar section.   Highlights of the week include: Dads & Donuts on Saturday April 16th from 10-11 am for children and one of their special adults for stories, crafts, fun and donuts.   Storytime for toddlers on Wednesday and Friday at 10-11am.  On Thursday at 10-11am. school-aged children can participate in a Story Flag Event and families can still register for Science Club- PEEP science fun, offered to children grades 2 and up (parents attend too) on Friday from 2-2:45 pm.  

Please see the attached flyer on all the week activities at Ravenswood Park.  Pathways’ playgroup families, remember you are all invited to enjoy the Animal Tracking & Hermit’s Tales walk on Thursday, April 21, 1-3 pm with yours truly there for outdoor fun!

Rockport Public Library has a full week of fun and learning.  To those of you with young children, the “Sing into Spring” with Sarah Gardner on Tuesday at 10am is especially fun for the kiddos.  I will be in attendance too to help welcome our playgroup friends! See the attached flyer for all the week’s programs.

Also please bear in mind that the libraries offer passes to many of the area museums at reduced or free admittance. Children love a train ride into the city and a well planned visit to the Boston Children’s Museum, the Aquarium, or the Museum of Science have areas appropriate for young children as well as school age children.  The key to a successful visit is preparedness and lots of energy!

As spring finally arrives, we can all finally get out and enjoy walks (or runs for kids) on the beach, visits to the parks, Dogtown or many of local trails our beautiful areas offers us all, for absolutely no cost at all, and of more value than “things” money can buy! 

Have fun building memories with your children, they grow up fast!

Warm regards,






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