Friday, January 20, 2017

FW: Mindfulness-Based Parenting Series Starts February 6th




This is being run by Evalyn Lawnsby who sits on our council. - Lisa 


Lisa Cheney, M. Ed.

Early Childhood Partners/Coordinated Family & Community Engagement of Hamilton-Wenham and Manchester. 

Hamilton-Wenham RSD

CFCE Coordinator

Pilgrim Hall

30 Essex Street

Hamilton, MA 01984


Please like us on Facebook & Twitter! Links are on our website. 





Subject: Mindfulness-Based Parenting Series Starts February 6th


"Whole Brain Parenting"

Mindfulness-Based Series for Parents and Grandparents to support the inner growth and development  of children and of the adults who love and care for them, through better understanding and appreciating the interactions of daily life. This series includes new findings from the fields of neurobiology and mindfulness practice.

Topics include

Becoming grounded and integrating mindfulness into parenting 

Helping children to integrate their “upstairs” and “downstairs” brains, to 

•      handle strong emotions, 

•      develop self-understanding and empathy for others, 

•      make sound decisions  &  behave in ways that serve themselves and others

Helping children overcome obstacles by making implicit memories explicit

Integrating thoughts, feelings, body sensations and perceptions

Enabling children (and ourselves) to

•      live more mindfully 

•      become more disciplined, and

•      develop a fuller sense of self

Exploring positive discipline 

•     Avoiding power struggles

•     Setting limits

•     Encouraging self-discipline

Communicating clearly and effectively with children and encouraging them to do the same


$180 for the 6-part series; $240 per couple, if both parents attend
The series will be held at the Second Congregational Church 35 Conant St, Beverly, Monday evenings, 7-8:30, beginning February 6th  
Pre-registration is required.  For info or to register, please call Cynthia (978-745-3326) or Evalyn (978-233-1257)


Cynthia Griffin and Evalyn Lawnsby are parents and grandparents,  educators, and licensed psychotherapists who work with adults, children, and families in their private practices. They have been facilitating parent workshops and groups for 30 years.  They have a holistic orientation, integrating mind/body understandings and practices such as mindfulness and meditation into all of their work.


(Flyer is attached, for posting and disseminating)


Evalyn Lawnsby, MA LMHC

P.O. Box 2084

South Hamilton, MA 01982


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