Early in July new MassHealth cards, with new numbers will be mailed to all DSS children and youth with DSS MassHealth coverage
n MassHealth Only cards will be sent to Area Offices for distribution to consumers
n Placement MH cards will be mailed to placement providers
v Important: Undeliverable Placement MH cards will be returned to Area Offices for distribution to consumers, so it is important that all children and youth with DSS MassHealth have up to date service referrals and sub-referrals, and that all providers of these children and youth have up to date addresses.
n The new cards will have new MH Numbers. The new numbers will replace the current XRID numbers. (XRID may still be used by providers during a transition period.)
The new cards and numbers are the result of a New MassHealth automated system (NewMMIS) that will be implemented late summer 2008.
Major features of the new system include
§ The turnaround time to get MH eligibility for new consumers will decrease from 1 business day to a few minutes.
§ You will be able to identify persons designated to speak to MH Customer Service on behalf of a consumer
More information will be coming soon to prepare for this change. Stay tuned!
Thank you.
Olga I. Roche, MSW
Deputy Commissioner of Field Operations
Department of Social Services
617-748-2338, Ext. 72338
Fax: 617-439-4482
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