Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Discounts 2015 Canobie Lake Park -


I have Canobie Discounts too! $29

Ill have them all summer.

I will also have Water Country and York’s Wild Kingdom

Once I get them all I will send one flyer with all the info.


Hi Carla,

Please find a revised PDF of the promotional posters attached to this email as the operating calendar was incorrect in the original PDF.  The original PDF stated that the park is open on May 15, 2015 however we are NOT open on May 15th. There are two posters included in the PDF, one has the price of the tickets, one does not.


We are sorry for any inconvenience.  Have a great day!





Kim Canadas

Company Outing Specialist

Phone: 603-893-3506 x4838

Fax: 603-894-4681

Canobie Lake Park Corp.

85 North Policy Street (shipping)

P.O. Box 190 (mailing)

Salem NH 03079



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