Monday, April 13, 2015

Research Study by Salem State University BSW students


We have agreed to work with a group of students on their undergraduate research project.  They are mailing out questionnaires to our foster parents today and I have enclosed this cover letter.  If you have any scheduled visits, please ask if they have completed the questionaires, and if so, can you please bring them back to the office with you in the original envelope?  Thanks!



To:  Cape Ann Area Foster Parents                                                                                                                                                                          


From:  Kimberly LaPointe, Family Resource Supervisor                     


Re: Foster Children and Assumptions of Attachment Disorders Research Study                                                                                                                                                                                                          


Date:  April 10, 2015




The Department has agreed to work with Salem State MSW students regarding the enclosed research study questionnaires.  I ask that you please participate in this study and return the completed materials either by mail to the Cape Ann Area Office, in person to the office or in person to your family resource worker.  If you have any questions regarding the Department's consent, please call me.  If you have any questions regarding the study, please contact the students as listed on the informed consent form.  Thank you for your time and assistance. 


The researchers will share their findings of this study with us, and we in turn with you.



Kimberly LaPointe, MSW 

DCF Cape Ann Area Office

45 Congress St.

Salem, MA 09170

Office: 978-825-3853

FAX:  978-825-9091

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