| | | April ~ 2011 | | | The upcoming talk in our Family Rounds series for parents and professionals... April 21, 2011 ~ 12-1:30pm Davenport 4 Board Room, Salem Hospital - NEW Location Attachment and How it is Affected by Trauma Presenter(s): Jami Zarella, LCSW Regional Manager Adoption Journeys and Heather Ingham, LCSW Regional Response Worker This training will explore the dynamics of attachment and how it is affected by trauma. Attachment is the basis for all human interactions. Attachment is complete by age 3, which solidifies a child's perception of the world. Healthy attachment teaches the child to trust, that the world is reliable, safe and gives the child intrinsic value and self worth. When trauma such as neglect, physical and sexual and/or emotional abuse occurs the child begins to learn that the world is unsafe and adults are not trustworthy. Attachment is a learned reciprocal process, which means it can be relearned in a family.
Registration is required as space is limited: email Ivette Thomson ithomson@partners.org or call 978 354 2670. As usual the lecture is FREE, intended for parents and professionals, and takes place in Davenport 4 Boardroom, Salem Hospital. | Mark your calendars for upcoming Family Rounds..... April 21 "Attachment and How it is effected by Trauma and Neglect" Jami Zarella, LCSW Regional Manager Adoption Journeys & Heather Ingham, LCSW Regional Response Worker May 19 "Trapped Inside the Beast of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder" Cathy Goldstein Mullin, LICSW at MassGeneral for Children at NSMC Parents and Professionals: If you have suggestions for topics or speakers for the upcoming series, please let us know. | New Group for " Parents Through Adoption "~ now with sufficient interest There have been many parents over the years visiting the Family Resource Center to learn more about families created through adoption and how they can better support their children through developmental stages and critical concerns for children who are adopted. Issues related to adoption arise and parents seek care. Adoption Journey's has come out to speak in the past, and again last month.They have provided services and in home support to many North Shore families for years. A collaborative effort was developed to educate families, make additional resources avaialble, and support families long term - possibly with forming a new group for parents to meet other parents through adoption. "Adoption: Post Legalization Speed Bumps and How to Maneuver Them" was given last month and in follow-up, " Attachment and How it is effected by Trauma and Neglect " will be held April 21st. Slides from the first talk are available on our website nsmcfamilyresourcecenter.org. Adoption Journey's has offered to come quarterly to facilitate a group for "parenting through adoption". Therapists in behavioral health have also asked if an adoption group can be made available. There seems to be sufficient interest , as many parents have signed up. A group will be developed at MassGeneral for Children through Adoption Journeys. Please contact the Family Resource Center and let us know of your interest and we will be in touch when the group begins . | The Pediatric Behavioral Health Library for children, adolescents, parents and professionals continues to grow with updated literature and well over a thousand references. Please come visit our Behavioral Health Library in the Family Resource Center, MassGeneral for Children at North Shore Medical Center on the 4th Floor. Open Monday-Friday 12 noon - 4:00 pm If you have any borrowed books from our special collection could you please return them so we may lend them to other families? Or if borrowed books are lost please let us know too so we may replace them. Thank you!
We welcome donations and/or gently used books from either our wish list or the current titles available in our library (corresponding links above). Extra copies allow us to lend our resources to more families and professionals. There have been over 32,000 visitors since opening in March 2003! | Collaborative Community Projects | | NSMC Family Center for Mindfulness
Minfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) classes for Adults and Teens now available for the North Shore Community. The Spring session will begin April 27th with the last orientation on April 20th. An Orientation was held Sunday, March 27th for many adults, teens and their parents. Again several parents of the teens will be joining the adult class. The winter session of the eight week MBSR program for adults and "Mindfulness" program for teens "Cool Minds TM" 13-17 years old concluded on March 30th and was well received. The program took place at a new central location:MassGeneral / North Shore Center for Outpatient Care in Danvers. This is the first MBSR Program available to the North Shore Community. The program has been taught at UMass Medical Center, Worcester for 30 years. All three classes in the Spring session will begin on Wednesday, April 27th - June 15, 2011 from 6-8:30pm. The Adult, Young Teen and Older Teen classes are held separately but concurrently. Contact our coordinator, Ivette Thomson at 978-354-2670 of ithomson@partners.org if you are interested. Click here for program registration information. ________________________________________________ New ! Mindfulness-Based Teen Program - "Cool Minds TM" is now being offered to the North Shore community through a grant to the Department of Child Psychiatry at MassGeneral for Children at NSMC. The Read Family Charitable Trust generously provided funding to Jefferson Prince, MD to teach Mindfulness to teens (13 -17 year olds) at NO FEE. The program had been specifically adapted for teens from the MBSR program developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn at UMASS Medical Center 30 years ago. Florence Meleo-Meyer developed the current "Cool Minds" Mindfulness for Teens Program. Jeff Prince, Jim Howland, and Marguerite Roberts previously taught the program at North Shore Recovery High School in Beverly for two semesters; first in 8 weeks then a full semester course four days a week. The Mindfulness program is currently offered at NO COST for teens (13-17 years) for 8 Wednesday's. Adolescents can be referred by parents, pediatricians and providers. Many referrals come from School Adjustment Counselors. The response at orientations was tremendous and more people signed up than expected, therefore, the large group broke up in two classes for the teens: 13 to 15 and 15 to 17 year olds and ran simultaneously in February. There has been a great deal of enthusiasm, growth and deepening of practices. An additional benefit has been that many parents of teens are taking the adult class in another area of the center; coming in together at 6:00pm on Wednesday's and learning mindfulness as a family.  The Read Family has awarded the NSMC Family Resource Center another pediatric behavioral health grant, for the fifth year, in collaboration with Salem Public Schools. The focus of the program is twofold: first to provide analysis for previous YRBS results (Youth Risk Behavior Survey) from 2009 and 2010 and then possibly implementing the "S.O.S. Signs of Suicide" program with the Salem High School educators and entire staff, ninth grade students, and their parents this school year. The analysis of the YRBS is now complete and will be presented to the parents and staff of Salem High School. This project is currently coordinated with Andrew Wulf, Headmaster of the Freshman House, David Angeramo, Principal at Salem High School and Jeanna Deleo, Adjustment Counselor. A needs assessment is being completed with the staff at the HighSchool before developing an educational program. Under consideration is the SOS Signs of Suicide Prevention Program for secondary schools is an evidence based program of suicide prevention and mental health screening that can be implemented during one classroom period by existing school staff. The program teaches teens that depression is not uncommon, a treatable illness and empowers them to respond to a potential suicide of a friend or family member by using the Acknowledge Care Tell (A.C.T.) technique. Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction The Peter and Elizabeth C. Tower Foundation awarded the Family Resource Center a three-year grant to implement two innovative evidence-based techniques: Relapse Prevention Therapy (RPT) and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) with the target population of adolescents with substance abuse disorders at the Recovery High School in Beverly. The program was planned collaboratively with Jefferson Prince MD, Mass General for Children at NSMC Department of Pediatric Psychiatry; Michelle Lipinski M.Ed., Principal and Jim Howland, Ed.D, M.S.W., LICSW, School Social Worker, North Shore Recovery High School in Beverly; and Marguerite Roberts MS, NP, Director Mass General for Children at NSMC Family Resource Center. The innovative programs were developed for the students and their parents. The effects of the program on stress reduction and relapse prevention in the students will be reviewed through comparison of research scales this year. The fall session of the MBSR program for 22 parents graduated in November. Many shared inner strengths that they had discovered, how mindfulness can be brought to many aspects of each day and noticing healthier responses to stressful events. Several participants even described it as "life-changing". The Teen group ended on January 20th with 9 students completing the program (the full semester curriculum). The "Cool Minds TM" program was adapted this semester and ran for over 20 weeks, for credit. As the students had been participating they developed their own practices and brought ideas which had been implemented to enhance their experience. The first community-based eight week pilot session of "Cool Minds TM" - Mindfulness for Teens was with students at the North Shore Recovery High School in Beverly, whom graduated last spring from the MBSR program. Also, twenty five parents of children with histories of drug use from the Northshore Recovery High School and Learn to Cope of the NS (see family support programs) came together for the first eight week MBSR adult series. There have been very moving and positive experiences from both groups. These remarkable programs had been made possible for families due to the generosity of the Tower Foundation. The Center for Mindfulness (CFM) at the University of Massachusetts Medical School has been teaching Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction MBSR for 30 years. The "Cool Minds TM" is a newly piloted Mindfulness-Based Teen Program developed through the CFM by Florence Meleo-Meyer, Senior MBSR Teacher. It was adapted again since as it was taught in over 80 classes in close consultation with Florence Meleo-Meyer, MS, MA. _____________________________________ Staff training began in the spring of 2009 with an intensive five day silent Insight Meditation Retreat at the Barre Center. To try a guided meditation or listen to talks on meditation practice visit Insight Meditation Society. The second phase of training was completed in June when our team participated in the 7 Day Professional Training Retreat on Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction with Jon Kabat-Zinn and Saki Santorelli, at the Omega Center in Rhinebeck, New York with several hundred other professionals from all over the world. | | | Family Education and Support Programs |
| Trapped Inside the Cruel Beast of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Concluded on March 31, 2011 after a three part series and was facilitated by Cathy Goldstein Mullin, LICSW, MassGeneral for Children at NSMC. A summer session will begin in July (with sufficient interest) Thursday evenings 6-7:30pm in the Family Resource Center. If you are interested in the next group please contact Ivette Thomson for registration and information at 978-354-2670 or ithomson@partners.org Children at NSMC. ADHD Parent Support Group: now an eight week series! Tuesdays 4-5pm will begin again in the fall.Registration required. If interested please call 978-354-2670 . These times have worked out well for most parents, especially those attending the parent group while their children participate in the Social Skills classes held through the Neurodevelopment Center. The ADHD group also includes parents not involved with social skills classes. All caregivers are welcome to attend. Bipolar Parent Support Group [monthly, the first Wednesday each month, time extended to 11:30-1pm) Patty Gardner-Goodof LICSW facilitates the group monthly. Dr. Prince participates in the group every other month ,to informally give parents an opportunity to discuss treatments and ask questions. We invite new parents to attend any time and join the group. Contact mroberts2@partners.org Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction NEW Training and practice in mindfulness, meditation, and mindful hatha yoga.Group education on integrating mindfulness everyday with life stresses and challenges; New Spring ADULT and TEEN Session beginning, Wednesday, April 27, 2011 for 8 weeks 6-8:30pm. The last Orientation will take place Wednesday, April 20th at 6:00pm at MassGeneral North Shore Center for Outpatient Care in Danvers. Email ithomson@partners.org or call 978-354-2670 if interested. Pre-registration required. The sliding scale offered makes this course affordable for anyone. - Learn to Cope North Shore (per parent support group for families living with a loved ones drug addictions meets weekly 7-9pm) learn2cope every new family member that attends receives a packet of comprehensive educational information and resources and a copy of the NEW DVD Facts every family should be aware of regarding Opiate overdose. Speakers related to addiction, youth in recovery and CAB Outreach training and overdose OD recovery with NARCAN distribution are scheduled each month, as part of the regular meetings. Guest speakers will be posted on the Learn2Cope website. Upcoming speakers; April 7th CAB Training and Ben's Friend in Recovery; April 14th Attorney Ernie Stone (sec 35) with a young woman in recovery.
G.R.A.S.P (Grief Recovery After Substance Passing) GROUP Affiliated with Learn to Cope, North Shore ~ Grief Recovery Group is open to anyone who has lost a family member or loved one to fatal overdose. First Thursday every month 7-9pm. Click on the following link to be directed to GRASP website Grief Recovery After Substance Passing 55 Highland Avenue, Salem, MA (NSMC Salem Hospital Campus) Highland Hall Auditorium on the ground floor. An ear to listen. A shoulder to lean on. A hand to hold. A friend to share. You are not alone. New families join each month.
Power Up! NEW - Girls ages 7-11 will learn how anxiety, anger and stress affect the brain and body. They will practice deep breathing, visualizations, basic yoga; exercise to music, dance and games. The winter Session concluded on February 11, 2011. A Summer session will begin with sufficient interest. Please contact, facilitator Evelyn Resto 978-741-1215 ext. 8709. Grandparents Raising Grandchildren [meets 1st and 3rd Monday of the month from 11-12] facilitated by Elaine Rossen LMHC New members are joining and are always welcome. Parents Helping Parents [parent to parent support, open and ongoing, meets weekly, free, confidential and anonymous] For more information, check our website or call 978 -354-2670. Sibshop [recreational peer support for siblings with a brother or sister with a developmental, medical or behavioral health disorder, held monthly] [see website for current calendar]. All Sibshops are held in the Sibshop Collaborative of the North East location in Danvers. The next Sibshop for 8-13 year olds will be April 19th 10am-2pm (school vacation week) sponsored by Beverly School for the Deaf The next 4-7 year old Sibshop is scheduled for Saturday May 14th, 9:30-am-12pm sponsored by the Family Resource Center, MassGeneral for Children at NSMC and EMARC The new Sibshop schedule reflects wishes expressed by families: holding the younger group more often and offering alternative hours for the older group. As always, all Groups are Open and Ongoing Sincerely, Marguerite Roberts, MS, NP Ivette Thomson, Care Coordinator NSMC Family Resource Center NSMC Family Resource Center MassGeneral for Childen at NSMC MassGeneral Children mroberts2@partners.org ithomson@partners.org
nsmcfamilyresourcecenter.org | | | | |
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