Wednesday, February 20, 2013

FW: THIS IS IN SALEM, PLEASE disregard previous info FW: Please drop on by my Ed fair TODAY from 3-5 in the foster care room

Here is the info for Salem! Sorry!



The Adolescent Outreach Program

Introduces the

Dept. of Children and Families ~ Education



If you are a high school aged youth in DCF care, foster parent, social worker, or contracted provider, please attend…


Drop by anytime between 3-5pm to learn about the educational and training opportunities offered to foster youth. Assistance with your FAFSA and other financial support for post-secondary education.



                         When:     Wednesday February 20, 2013

                       Where:   CAPE ANN DCF office, Foster Care Review Room

                                      45 Congress St, #4, Salem, MA

               Time:      3-5 p.m.



Please contact Jennifer Hubbard to RSVP



Jennifer Hubbard


Adolescent Outreach Worker

Cape Ann/Lynn DCF



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