Monday, April 22, 2013

Free Swing Set

My friend in Danvers has a free swing set- the wood kind.  About 8 years old. She says it’s in good shape.  She is offering to a foster family for FREE! You must be able to take it down and have a truck to move it.




Check out our blog!!!


Carla King

Foster Parent Recruiter

Department of Children and Families (formerly known as Dept Social Services)

Cape Ann Area Office

45 Congress Street, bldg #4

Salem, MA 01970

978-825-3862   direct DCF ext 33862




yard craft fair

Department of Children and Families





Sponsored by the Dept of Children and Families

Harbor Area Board



 Saturday, May 4th


                                    Marty Pino Community Center                            

                                          86 Boardman Street

East Boston MA 02128


                                                    *Craft/ Yard Sale

        *Face Painting


                                        *Information on Becoming a

Foster Parent


                                Table Rental: $20 if you bring your own table

                                                                                       $30 table provided for you


For more info about the event or renting a table,

please contact: Sandra Mahoney at 617-660-3504


         ***Rain or Shine***


How to talk to kids about the events


Dear Friends and Colleagues,


Monday, the city of Boston experienced a terrible tragedy. I hope that each of you, your families, and friends are all safe as we deal with the aftermath of Monday’s events.  For anyone who may have been directly affected, please know that the thoughts and prayers of all of us are with you.


In the past 48 hours we have witnessed acts of heroism and bravery by citizens of the Commonwealth, and as a community we have banned together to offer strength and comfort to our friends, family, and sometimes strangers. Monday’s events have shaken us all, and it is important to remember that there is no “normal” response under these circumstances. Please take time if you need it, seek assistance, and do not be afraid to ask for help—asking for help is a sign of strength, I encourage all of you to ensure that you are taking care of yourselves, family and friends first and foremost.


 As Governor Patrick said in his email yesterday, HRD and human resource directors will be reaching out with information about counseling resources including the Employee Assistance Program, which is in place to assist Commonwealth employees, and their families. 24/7 support is available through EAP at 877-237-0572, services are confidential and free.


As the Commonwealth begins to recover, there may be many children and families who require our support and assistance now more than ever. The Children’s League provided a list of resources to help when discussing yesterday’s tragedies with children:


We have received messages of support from our child welfare colleagues across the country.  This morning I got a note from NYC Child Welfare Commissioner Ron Richter offering the experience of his staff as we figure out how to best respond to the needs of our children, families and communities.


Thank you for all that you do, each and everyday, to care for and support our children and families.





Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Save the date!!


Wed May 15th.

Timothy’s in Danvers (formerly the Village Green)



A Dinner to thank YOU for all you do!

May is national foster care month! What better time to thank you for caring for our children!

More info to follow!



Check out our blog!!!


Carla King

Foster Parent Recruiter

Department of Children and Families (formerly known as Dept Social Services)

Cape Ann Area Office

45 Congress Street, bldg #4

Salem, MA 01970

978-825-3862   direct DCF ext 33862




Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Fun, healthy and educational! The TimeBank Eco-Trip!

This looks like a great event for families!



Hope you'll join us next Saturday April 20 from 12:30 (at the Sawyer Library) to 3:30 (at Lat 43) for a brain-teasing, community-building, Earth-friendly good time!


Monday, April 8, 2013

FW: Family Rounds Thursday, April 18th - Family Caregivers: Supporting the Social Development of Children



From: Family Resource Center at MassGeneral for Children at NSMC []
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2013 4:00 PM
To: King, Carla (DCF)
Subject: Family Rounds Thursday, April 18th - Family Caregivers: Supporting the Social Development of Children



Like us on Facebook  Follow us on Twitter

Please post and share with families!





Family Rounds 


A monthly series for parents and professionals


April 18, 2013 ~ 12 noon - 1:30 p.m.


Davenport 4 Board Room, Salem Hospital


"Family Caregivers:  Supporting the Social Development of Children While Promoting Positive Communication"

Presenter:  Heather Gianatassio, CCLS Certified Child Life Specialist MassGeneral for Children at North Shore Medical Center  


Heather Gianatassio is the Certified Child Life Specialist at MassGeneral for Children at North Shore Medical Center.  Ms. Gianatassio has worked with many families supporting them with psycho-social, emotional, and development.


This presentation will focus providing caregivers with tools on how they can best support their children's development, specifically promoting positive socialization and communication.  The presentation will also provide tools to families on how to encourage their children to socialize with their peers.


Lectures are free and held the third Thursday of the month.  Registration is necessary 978-354-2670 or


Stay in touch with us through the NSMC Facebook page and NSMC Twitter feed







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NSMC Family Resource Center | MassGeneral for Children at North Shore Medical Center | 57 Highland Avenue | Salem | MA | 01970


Upcoming Family Evnets in April including school vacation week



From: Amy Larsen []
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2013 2:14 PM
To: Amy Larsen
Subject: Upcoming Family Evnets in April including school vacation week


Hi All,


Yay, spring is here and finally the warm weather shall be upon us as many families plan for school vacation week on Cape Ann. Following are a few WONDERFUL events taking place right here in our own backyard…who says you need to travel far to have fun?  Please pass along if you work with families &/or if you are a parent/caregiver, check out the following happenings!


Vacation week kicks off with:

 The Cape Ann Museum offering “Rescue!”,  a free Saturday event  on 4/13 at 11 am-2 pm for families with school-aged children.  This month’s theme is  Rescue, which allows children the opportunity to learn about Gloucester’s contributions to the American Field Service and the role of local heroes like Abram Piatt Andrew during WWI.  A WWI-era ambulance will also be on display in the museum parking lot.  On-going creative activities include designing your own paper fire bucket and readings of Madeline’s Rescue, Rescue Bunnies & Officer Buckle and Gloria.  Please note admission is free all day!


Ending the week at the museum on Saturday, 4/20 from 11 am-12:30 will be a SATURDAY SHOWCASE event to celebrate spring and children’s author/illustrator Frances Wosmek.  Listen to stories about bunnies, bees and other characters and enjoy refreshments, create stories, collages and poems to celebrate spring.  Free and no registration required. Visit or call 978 283-0455 x 16 for further information.


 The Trustees of Reservations is ensuring we all have a chance to get out there and learn more about vernal ponds and the importance of protecting the home of nature creatures including wood frogs and salamanders. The Vernal Pond Exploration and Certification Workshop  is held at Agassiz Rock, Manchester on Saturday, 4/13 from 1-3 pm. Recommended for families with children aged 8 & up.


On Sunday from 1-3 pm at Ravenswood Park, Gloucester, attend Wilderness to Special Place and learn about how the park has changed over the centuries and the colorful cast of characters who transformed it to a special place.


Hermit’s Tales & Animal Tracking takes place on Friday, 4/19 at Ravenswood Park from 1-3 pm.  Walk the footsteps of the Ravenswood Hermit and share the tales from his book.


Earth Day Coastal Clean-Up is happening at two locations on Saturday, 4/20 as well as Birding Basics on the following Sunday!


             Please see the attached flyer for further details.  Pre-registration for all Trustees of Reservation’s events is required. Some fees may be  waived for financial hardship by contacting Ramona Latham at 978 281-8400, many events are “children free” and minimal fees for adults.


   Pathways for Children Cape Ann Families is hosting “Snakes of New England & the World” on Wednesday, 4/17, with two shows beginning at 9:30 am.  If you ever wondered about what kind of snakes live near YOU or if you’d like a closer look please join us!  Space is limited and pre-registration is required!  Please see the attached flyer for details.


   Art Haven has a full creative week schedule for children during vacation week.  On Monday & Friday from 1-3 pm FREE bowl decorating is happening for the Open Door benefit. Other days, activities in clay, exploring nature, and even a field trip are offered.  Registration for all programs is required. Financial assistance is available.  Please visit the Art Haven website for further details at


   Maritime Gloucester is also offering an exciting week of discovery and exploration.  On Monday, Crustaceans & Hermit Crab Crafts and Wednesday, Wind Power & Fish Windsocks Crafts take place at  10:30 am- 12:00 pm.  These programs are for prek- 1st grade children. Programs for school age children are happening throughout the week.  Please visit their website for more information at


   Sawyer Free Library in Gloucester has many activities planned including regularly scheduled story times on Wednesday (ages 1-3 yrs. old) & Thursday (ages 2-4 yrs. old) at 10-10:45 am., registration  is not required.  Additionally, Science Exploration is offered for children grades 2-5 and Lego Club meets Thursday from 2-3:30 pm. with pre-registration required. 


   , Remember to visit North Shore Kids at for listings of activities and programs  throughout the area and in Boston.  This website has great information and resources for families.



Have fun building memories,



Amy Larsen, CFCE Grant Coordinator

Pathways for Children

29 Emerson Ave.

Gloucester, MA 01930

978 281-2400 x 120



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FW: For DCF NSCC students...please read



From: Hubbard, Jennifer (DCF)
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2013 8:50 AM
Subject: For DCF NSCC students...please read


HI Everyone

Adolescent Outreach is working with North Shore Community College to create a supportive program for new and enrolled students who aged out of DCF custody.  Below is information for the first Info Session that will be held with NSCC for both current and new students. The students will be meeting with staff from the college to review the admission process, financial aid and additional support services NSCC has to offer. A Student Support Advisor will also be available to talk with the current students about advising services, tutoring, student life and activities, etc. Once the session is complete the youth will have $10 lunch vouchers to eat lunch in the cafe.


Wednesday, April 17th


11am-12pm @ North Shore Community College, Room LW224


Spring 2013 DCF Student Information Session (lunch included)


·      Meet with an admissions representative

·      Financial assistance

·      Program availability

·      Student support (advising, tutoring, activities)




RSVP: Kristen Quinlan 617-748-2204


Jennifer Hubbard 978-825-3918




Jennifer Hubbard

Adolescent Outreach Worker

Cape Ann/Lynn DCF



This message (including any attachments) contains confidential information intended for a specific individual and purpose, and is protected by law. If you are not the intended recipient you should delete this message. Any disclosure, copying or distribution of this message, or the taking of any action based on it, is strictly prohibited.


Monday, April 1, 2013

REMINDER! April 4th Training

This looks like a great training if interested! Please call June, Nancy or respond to me!




APRIL 4, 2013


Different Children/Different Needs

“Children are not things to be molded, but people to
be unfolded.” This workshop will explore the unique pattern of influence upon a child’s behavior and development, with particular detail on the inherited temperament. Together,we will explore the concept of “goodness of fit” between the child’s traits and those of the adult caregiver. This workshop is uplifting, empowering and fun!


TIME:  9:30 AM – 11:30AM


PLACE: DCF, 45 Congress Street, Bldg. 4





Better Behavior Bureau


RSVP:  Nancy Lyons @ 978-825-3807 or

June Littlefield @ 978-278-5412