Monday, May 26, 2008

Summer Camp Opportunities - FREE

There is $30,000.00 left for Summer Camp scholarships for FOSTER FAMILIES. 
Camp is a great experience for the Foster Children.

There are a number of different camps to consider . . . 
     Camp To Belong for siblings that do not live together
Crossroad For Kids
YMCA there is a lot of good SC out
Soccer Camps
Manchester Athletic Club
Horseback Riding Camp

Please take advantage of this service.

One specific opportunity is through the Jason Hayes Foundation.  This scholarship has the following requirements:

The first set of criteria for a candidate is that (1) they had been or or in the foster care system, but we also recognize that there are some children who fall through the cracks (ie., children being raised by grandparents, etc and we will consider these applications also; and/or (2) the camp is a therapeutic placement for a child with social-emotional needs.    Obviously children who fit both criteria will be given preference, but we have been granting scholarships to those who fit just 1.


Applications can be downloaded and either emailed or mailed from

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Ferncroft Country Club -ages 8-16 summer membership

The Ferncroft Country Club is offerring 5 scholarships to children ages 8-16 this summer for their Junior program. Damon DeVito, the owner/manager of the country club is excited about the opportunity to work with DSS. The scholarship is for a summer membership to the club, 5 clinics and private lessons with a golf pro, equipment (which they will get to keep). Ferncroft can provide transportation through one of their partners. 

Spaces are available, it does not matter if the child is already applying for camp as this is not paid for through DSS, Ferncroft is covering all costs. 

Please email Carla your name and the name of the child to obtain the applications.

Masshealth Dental regualtions and providers

New MassHealth Dental regulations went into effect January 1, 2008.   The regulations eliminate the Prior Authorization (PA) requirement for most services for children under the age of 21 years and expand coverage under EPSDT (Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment).


To locate a dental provider who accepts MassHealth:

¨      MassHealth has an Internet link that you can use to help find a general Dentist, Orthodontist or other dental specialist.  To locate a provider, click on this link (and follow the directions below).  

¨      Go to "Find Provider" and type in the zip code for the geographic area in which you are looking for a provider.

¨      In "Search Details", use the drop down menu to find the type of provider you are looking for.  

¨      If needed, you can search for a provider based on a specific language spoken and if they are accepting new patients.

¨      For a complete list of dental providers by county with details about which ones are accepting new patients, which ones can care for patients with special needs, those that have specific hours of operation and handicap access, and those that speak specific languages - click on "Documents" and scroll down to the "Provider Directory".

¨      To find information about dental benefits, fact sheets and member forms, click on "Documents".


For other questions, you can call any of the following

¨      The MassHealth Dental Program at 1-800-207-5019;

¨      The DSS Regional Nurses;

¨      The DSS Central Office Nurse; or

¨      The DSS Central Office Medical Social Worker.

Go wild at HRC's Family Day at the Zoo!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Toddler bed for free

Connect with Carla if you need  a toddler bed, there is one that has been donated.

DSS Youth Leadership Summit

Save The Date

June 25, 2008


DSS Youth Leadership Summit

Worcester Crowne Plaza Hotel


The 2nd annual youth leadership summit for DSS youth in care who are over the age of 16 will be held on Wednesday June 25th at theWorcester Crowne Plaza.  The full day summit will include a panel, youth co-led workshops, education information and fun activities.  More information and invitations will be forwarded to area offices soon.


Saturday, May 17, 2008

Foster Child Grant 2008-2009

If you have a youth who was in the custody of DSS until their 18th birthday 

+ via a care and protection*  

+ are under the age of 25

+ and will be attending a Title IV eligible educational program (meaning they can receive financial aid) 

they are eligible for the foster child grant.  

There is a form they can fill out   Students must return this form to Tim O'Brien, Adolescent Services, DSS Central by July 1, 2008. 

 If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Jen Hubbard Cape Ann/Lynn DSS Adolescent Outreach Worker

*(Youth who turned 18 in the custody of DSS may have remained in care past their 18th birthday as a voluntary consumer or may have had their case closed)

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Aging out of foster care article

Becoming My Own Advocate

How aging-out of the foster care system led me to build my own family.

Follow the link to the full article.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

FREE Touch a Truck Event- Sunday in Beverly

Sunday, May 18, 2008
10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
at the Cummings Center
Free event for all to enjoy!

The Grand Lodge of Masons will also be at the Cummings Center on Sunday.  The Masons are one of many sponsors of the Child Identification Program (CHIP).  CHIP is a free service available to the public to providing identification services to your children

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Formal Wear Drive on 5/8 at 3:30pm

Hello All,
The Cape Ann Youth Advisory Board is holding their first ever Formal Wear Drive for youth who are DSS involved.  These youth do not necessarily have to be in DSS custody.  We will have the dresses available in conference room B next Thursday at 3:30pm.  We tried to get donations for the young men, but we were only able to get a few jackets.  If you have a youth on your caseload who is interested in stopping by, could you please email me their name so we know how many to expect.
Thank you,

Story Land Tickets

I have a limited amount of free story land tickets.  Please let me know if they interest you.
I will do my best to distribute as fair as possible.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Cape Ann Foster Families ROCK!!!!

Cape Ann Foster parents Deb Amaral, Linda Gogain, Robert Choo, Joanne Putnam,  Gerri Cahill, Bill Soares, Tara Bean, Elaine Valente, Annette Bongette attended the event at the state house with Lynn Foster Parent Jen Banville and Foster parent Liason Nancy Lyons, intern Erin Quadros and ME!  Also there from Cape Ann was Jen Hubbard (aldolscent outreach worker), Jack Doyle and  Nancy Brown  (youth). 
I think the day was a great success.  First we attended a ceremony where Commissioner Angelo McClain proclaimed (on behalf of Gov. Patrick) May as Foster Care month.   There were several speakers and we were treated to a song by a youth in foster care, accompanied by a pianst in foster care.
We then moved to a room with legislators and aids from our region.  I am proud to say that it was our foster parents that started the dialog and several of our foster parents made GREAT POINTS about the need to raise the daily rate, the need for more services for grandparents raising grandchildren and for the need to put more money into college education for children in foster care, gaurdianship and adoption.   Elaine Valente started the dialog, Gerri Cahill, Bill Soares and Robert Choo all made great points.  Thank you so much to all of you who attended on behalf of all the children of the commonwealth and the foster parents who were unable to attend-- you amaze me every day for what you do for our children.  Special thanks to MPSCC for paying for our bus, and to Local Motion for offering us a great price.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Farm Day at Windrush Farm

Farm Day at Windrush Farm, Theraputic Equitation, Inc.
May 3, Saturday  (raindate May 4)
10:00pn to 4:00pm
Help support the theraputic horeseback riding program for children and adults that are medically and emotionally challanged.
There will be live music
curious creatures
cakes for occasions
face painting
horse and pony rides
arts and crafts
barnyard games
tractor rides
food and homebaked goods
Should be a good time, hope to see you there
Windrush Farm
30 Brookview Road
Boxford,  ma
(978) 682-7855