Monday, March 31, 2014

FW: DCF Foster Youth 2014 College Fair - Save the Date!


From: Hubbard, Jennifer (DCF)
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2014 8:56 AM
To: DSS-DL - CapeAnn Users; DSS-DL - Lynn Users
Cc: Marescalchi, Alicia (DCF)
Subject: DCF Foster Youth 2014 College Fair - Save the Date!

Hello everyone,

I am bringing two youth, and could bring one or two more.  First come first serve, so let me know as soon as you can.

It is during April vacation and I would need you to confirm with the youth if they will attend and have them call me.

If my space does fill out, anyone is welcome to take the foster youth (social worker, attorney, foster parents, group care provider, IFC worker, etc…)


Please see below for the flyer.

Thank you!



Jennifer Hubbard

Adolescent Outreach Worker

Cape Ann/Lynn DCF



This message (including any attachments) contains confidential information intended for a specific individual and purpose, and is protected by law. If you are not the intended recipient you should delete this message. Any disclosure, copying or distribution of this message, or the taking of any action based on it, is strictly prohibited.

From: O'Brien, Timothy (DCF)
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2014 5:07 PM
To: Banks, Michelle (DCF); Bulger, Jillian (DCF); Cassano, Stephanie (DCF); Ciullo, Lisa (DCF); Cronin, Mark (DCF); Cruz, Bernadette (DCF); Frauton, Christine (DCF); Gates, Heather (DCF); Haber, Madlynn (DCF); Holdsworth, Dawn (DCF); Howard, Susan (DCF); Hubbard, Jennifer (DCF); Lopez, Lynne (DCF); Marchand, Nicole (DCF); Martin, Kathy (DCF); Messeder, Maureen (DCF); Morgan, Mercy (DCF); O'Brien, Timothy (DCF); Penney, Cheryl (DCF); Quinlan, Kristen (DCF); Rogato, Francesca (DCF); Roy, Kelley (DCF); Sutton, Eyma (DCF); Tobin, Eryn (DCF); Gomez, Odalis (DCF); Montana, Karen (DCF); Fontes, Kristianna (DCF)
Subject: 2014 DCF College Fair - Save the Date!



Dear Colleagues,


Attached please find a flyer for the 8th Annual College Admissions and Information Fair that will be hosted by the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families Education and Training Voucher Program. The College Fair will take place from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Tuesday, April 22nd, 2014 at the Holiday Inn, 265 Lakeside Avenue, Marlboro, MA 01752. Free parking is available.


The DCF College Fair is an opportunity for high school aged DCF youth to learn about the various degree and certificate programs available through the public and private college higher education system. Students, foster parents, social workers, and providers will be able to speak with admissions staff about exciting activities and resources offered through community colleges, vocational training programs, four-year public/private universities and the University of Massachusetts.


These degree and certificate programs provide vital education and training to foster youth.  The event will allow younger foster youth to begin thinking about college and older youth to explore concrete opportunities available to them now.


Last year's event had a tremendous turnout of students, foster parents and various social service agencies.  Numerous Massachusetts public and private colleges and universities were represented last year, as well as the Massachusetts Education Financing Authority. 


Please distribute the attached flyers throughout your programs and make arrangements for your DCF students that you feel would benefit to attend.  Please feel free to distribute the flyer to other providers, foster parents and community members that work with foster youth.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for your assistance with helping DCF

foster youth achieve their post-secondary educational and vocational goals.


Thank You,



Timothy O'Brien, M.Ed., LSWA                                                 Kristen Quinlan, M.Ed., LSWA

Education and Training Social Worker                                     Education and Training Social Worker

Massachusetts Department of Children and Families                            Massachusetts Department of Children and Families

617-748-2309                                                                                617-748-2204



Thursday, March 27, 2014

Hait Cut Coupons- FREE

I still have some free haircut coupons. Must be used by April 16th.

Let me know if you want one and include your address in reply.


REMINDER! Ask the social worker before having a foster child’s hair cut! We must ask the parents first!


They are for the Hair Cuttery – and these are also good for over 18 kids in care.


Let me know!






Check out our blog!!!


Carla King

Foster Parent Recruiter

Department of Children and Families (formerly known as Dept Social Services)

Cape Ann Area Office

45 Congress Street, bldg #4

Salem, MA 01970

978-825-3862   direct DCF ext 33862




April Foster Parent Support Group

Foster Parent Support Group


Please join us for the Cape Ann Area D.C.F. Foster Parent Support Group. The group is open to all unrestricted and kinship Foster Parents. Issues and accomplishments related to fostering children and the impact on the families caring for them is discussed in an informal format. A representative from the Department is available to address questions and experienced foster parents a well as new families share their experiences. Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of every month. Please feel free to forward to me any email addresses you think may like to be included in the invitation.


The next meeting will be held on Wednesday April 9th from  7:00 to 9:00 PM. This months meeting will be at Deb Bayle’s home on 57 Lothrop Street Beverly, MA.

For directions and to R.S.V.P. please contact Gerrie Cahill @ 978-921-0959  or Deb Obremski @ 978-825-3809



Tuesday, March 25, 2014

looking for therapy?



From: Marescalchi, Alicia (DCF)
Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 11:07 AM
To: DSS-DL - CapeAnn Users; Arrieta-Rodriguez, Christian (DCF); Garcia, Yrene (DCF); Sabulis, Stephanie (DCF)
Subject: Immediate Clinic openings!




I know I put you on my list last week, but I wanted to let you know that we have immediate openings for Outpatient for Mass Health English speaking! I could assign it today if it is sent over before 5:00! J Please spread the word!


Jeannette L. Coleman, MSW, LICSW

Salem Site Director

Children’s Friend and Family Services

110 Boston Street

Salem, MA 01970

Phone: 978-744-7905 x1501

Fax: 978-740-9145



Monday, March 24, 2014


We will have hot dogs, popcorn and cracker jacks on Monday March 31st  from 12-2 to celebrate Red Sox Opening day (away)



We will have a hot dog meal deal, 2 hot dogs, chips, cole slaw and a soda for only $5!

We will also have fresh hot popcorn and cracker jacks for sale!


All proceeds to help pay for our foster parent appreciation dinner! J

So come join us and help celebrate the Red Sox and Foster Parents!

Wear your Red Sox t-shirts


Please answer the poll question so we can plan the buying of the goods! Thanks

The Family Resource Unit




Check out our blog!!!


Carla King

Foster Parent Recruiter

Department of Children and Families (formerly known as Dept Social Services)

Cape Ann Area Office

45 Congress Street, bldg #4

Salem, MA 01970

978-825-3862   direct DCF ext 33862




FUNraiser April 6th 2:00-5:00

This is a FREE event other than the cost of PJ’s for a child going into care! A great day of fun for the kids while helping foster parents by providing PJ’s, underwear, socks etc to get through the first night of a new placement.


Sunday April 6, 2014

2:00pm – 5:00pm

Hamilton Wenham Community Center

284 Bay Road Hamilton, MA


COST: Bring NEW pajamas, socks and underwear or an Easter Basket for a child in need and a potluck food item or you could pay $10 per person.

Mechanical Bull, Face Painting, Balloon Twister, Raffle,

Photobooth, Cotton Candy, Fried Dough

and much more!


Any Questions: Contact Cheryl at

All About Fun: 978-373-7400




Check out our blog!!!


Carla King

Foster Parent Recruiter

Department of Children and Families (formerly known as Dept Social Services)

Cape Ann Area Office

45 Congress Street, bldg #4

Salem, MA 01970

978-825-3862   direct DCF ext 33862




Harlem Globetrotter Ticket discount

Hi all

The Boston Garden has offered discounted tickets for this great night!

Because it’s last minute, Im sorry, but I have to have all orders and money (cash) by Tuesday @ 3:00

I know that might be hard, but I don’t have the money to put out  J I have to pay when I order.

I wish I had more notice.


Tickets will be available for pick up at DCF Salem on Friday. (or possible other arrangements after hours)


The World Famous Harlem Globetrotters

Known as innovators of the game of basketball for decades, the world famous Harlem Globetrotters are again introducing something unparalleled in the history of sports and family entertainment, taking kid participation and fun to a whole new level when they come to TD Garden on Saturday, March 29 at 7:30PM

Your charity offer is valid for Saturday, March 29 at 7:30PM only.

Tickets: $15.00 (including facility fees)*








Check out our blog!!!


Carla King

Foster Parent Recruiter

Department of Children and Families (formerly known as Dept Social Services)

Cape Ann Area Office

45 Congress Street, bldg #4

Salem, MA 01970

978-825-3862   direct DCF ext 33862




Adoptive Families Together Schedule




Hi everyone, Below and attached is our Adoptive Families Together Winter/Spring Schedule for groups and Free Educational Trainings. Please feel free to forward this information to anyone who might be interested. We really are hoping to get a good turn out to our Free Educational Trainings so if you are interested please register as soon as possible!

Warmest Regards,


Lori Baeumler: Program coordinator for Adoptive Families Together, Kid’s Net and KINnections

Adoptive Families Together/MSPCC

3815 Washington St. 2nd Floor

Jamaica Plain, MA 02130

Phone 857- 728-2157

Fax 617- 983-5854,




Adoptive Parent Groups: Please join us for our Adoptive Families Together (AFT) parent-run, confidential groups to share personal concerns and needs around adoptive parenting. AFT provides education, advocacy, support, and more. We also welcome adopted individuals, birth parents, foster parents and all those with a connection to adoption. Please visit our website: for more information. These are ongoing, FREE groups that meet once a month. Feel free to drop in!



AFT Groups  Winter 2014 Schedule



Group Leaders: Kristy Bouley & Deborah Henderlong

Faith Evangelical Free Church

54 Hosmer St. Acton, MA 01720

Meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month, 7:30pm-9pm

·        March 12th

·        April 9th






Group Leaders: Cheryl Farrell & Mary Wallace

First Congregational Church, 18 Andover Rd.

Billerica, MA 01821

Room 4 Please use the door in the rear of the building

Meets the last Sunday of the month, 7pm -9pm

·        March 30th

·        April 27th






Group Leaders: Pasqua Scibelli & Lori Baeumler

5 Post Office Square

Boston, MA 02109

First Floor Library

Please use the entrance facing Congress St.

Meets the 1st Wednesday of the month, 12:30pm-1:30pm

·        March 5th

·        April 2nd




Group Leaders: Linda Perry & Rita Donovan

Thayer Public Library

798 Washington St. Braintree, MA 02184

Meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month 7pm -8:45pm

·        March 12th

·        April 9th





Jamaica Plain:    

Group Leaders: Randi Schalet & Lori Baeumler

Jamaica Plain MSPCC Office

3815 Washington St.2nd floor Jamaica Plain, MA 02130

Meets the 1st Friday of the month, 6:30pm -8:30pm

Childcare provided at every meeting

·        March 7th

·        April 4th




Group Leaders: Michelle Novelle & Clare O’Donoghue

Roslindale Congregational Church

25 Cummins Highway

Roslindale, MA 02131

Meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month, 7pm8:30pm

Childcare provided at every meeting.

·        March 19th

·        April 16th




Group Leaders: Sue Casey & Susan McCarthy

Stoughton Public Library 84 Park St.

Stoughton, MA 02072

Meets the 2nd Thursday of the month, 6:30pm-8:30pm

·        March 13th

·        April 10th





Group Leaders: Kimberly Ryan & Sandi Santanello

First Church 40 Monument Ave.

Swampscott, MA 01907

Meets the 1st Thursday of the month, 7pm-8:30pm

·        March 6th

·        April 3rd





Group Leaders: Deb Tambeau & Donna Warren

Worcester MSPCC Office

335 Chandler St.

Worcester, MA 01602

Meets the 3rd Thursday of the month, 7-9pm

·        March 20th

·        April 17th











                        Please Join Adoptive Families Together for our Educational Workshops coming up in 2014. If you are interested in attending,

                please fill out the attached registration form and make sure to indicate which workshop you would like to attend.

                        Please feel free to call Lori Baeumler 857-728-2157 for any questions or concerns.

We hope to see you at our Workshops or our Support Groups soon!


Topic:  Panel On Transracial Adoption For adults with a connection to adoption/foster care.

Date: Sunday, April 13, 2014

Time: 2:00pm4:00pm

Location: MSPCC office: 3815 Washington St. 2nd Floor

Jamaica Plain, MA 02130

Description:  A panel discussion on the complexities of transracial adoption from the prospective of the professionals as well as from members of the adoption constellation. We will discuss issues related to adopting a child transracially. We will address positive strategies for helping to improve self-esteem and preserving culture in a transracial adoption.

Presented By: To Be Announced

Cost:  Free but must pre-register

PLEASE REGISTER: Contact Lori Baeumler at 857-728-2157 or



Topic: Impact of Social Media on Adoption Workshop For adults with a connection to adoption/foster care.

Date: Saturday, May 10, 2014          

Time: 10:00am - 12:00pm

Location: MSPCC office:  3815 Washington St. 2nd Floor

Jamaica Plain, MA 02130

Description:  We will discuss issues on how social media has impacted relationships between Birth Parents, Adoptive Parents and Adoptees. We will address best practice methods to support members of the adoption constellation when dealing with social media.

Presented By: Penny Harrison & Sybil Turk

Cost:  Free but must pre-register

PLEASE REGISTER: Contact Lori Baeumler 857-728-2157or





Lori Baeumler

Program Coordinator For Adoptive Families Together, Kid’s Net and KINnections

MSPCC 3815 Washington St. 2nd Floor

Jamaica Plain, MA 02130

Phone 857-728-2157 

Fax 617-983-5854


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