Thursday, April 30, 2015

surveys please!

If you have not returned the surveys sent by Salem State Students a few weeks ago, please do so ASAP! They are coming to get them Monday.



Check out our blog!!!


Carla King

Foster Parent Recruiter

Department of Children and Families (formerly known as Dept Social Services)

Cape Ann Area Office

45 Congress Street, bldg #4

Salem, MA 01970



FW: Prescrition eyeglasses resources



From: Angel, Betsy (DCF)
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 12:11 PM
To: DSS-DL - CapeAnn Users
Subject: Prescrition eyeglasses resources


Hello Cape Ann Heroes,


There is a great resource at LensCrafters in Peabody. LensCrafters has the Onesight program; this program provides underprivileged families with a pair of prescription eyeglasses for their children at no charge to the family. The family is able to pick out and receive the glasses the same day, as opposed to going through Masshealth and waiting the several weeks it takes. It also allows the family to use their Masshealth eyeglasses as a backup option in case something happens to the glasses they obtain from the Onesight program. It is my understanding that Masshealth limits families to one pair of glasses a year, so this is a great thing.


All the family needs is for their DCF social worker to provide the family with a letter, on our letterhead, to bring to LensCrafters with:


•             The client's name,

•             Confirmation that they are working with the Department of Children and Families

•             The Department's tax id number (DCF tax ID number: 099-089-474)

•             And a short blurb confirming that the family is not able to afford the prescription eyeglasses and would benefit from assistance through the Onesight program.


The family should be directed to bring their eyeglasses prescription and their letter from DCF social worker with them when they go into LenCrafters. Appointments are not required.


If you have any questions, The Onesight contact at the location is Judy Demshar, her contact information is:


Judy Demshar

Onesight Captain

210 Andover Street

Peabody, MA

Tel. 978-531-9440

Fax. 978-531-4760


Or feel free to come see me.





Betsy Angel, LSW

Social Worker

Cape Ann Area Office

Department of Children and Families

Phone: 978-825-3842

Fax: 978-825-9091


The information contained in this electronic message is legally privileged and confidential under applicable law, and is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, copying or disclosure of this communication is strictly prohibited.



Day of Pampering for Youth in Foster Care






To nominate a youth you know, email us at


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If you no longer wish to receive these emails, please reply to this message with "Unsubscribe" in the subject line or simply click on the following link: Unsubscribe

Rise Above Foundation
PO Box 174
Northbridge, Massachusetts 01534

Read the VerticalResponse marketing policy.

Non-Profits Email Free with VerticalResponse!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Please Share. Free Parent-baby event on Saturday morning.


Hello Everybody -

Please share this flyer with anybody who you think can benefit. It is for parents and babies 0-12 months old and for expecting parents. It is a great opportunity to learn about Safe Sleep, Tummy Time, and have fun with babies and other parents. It will be facilitated by Lisa Davis of Cape Ann Early Intervention.



Lisa Cheney, M.Ed.

Early Childhood Partners.  Serving Hamilton, Wenham & Manchester

CFCE Coordinator, Hamilton Wenham Regional School District

130 Essex Street, Pilgrim Hall, Box 580

Hamilton, MA 01982

Phone:978-468-5489 Fax: 978-468-5793

Like Us on Facebook at Early Childhood Partners of Hamilton, Wenham & Manchester

Follow us on Twitter @HamWenCFCE





Tuesday, April 28, 2015


As you all are aware, fingerprinting has been done as part of the approval of your foster home.
We now need to complete them for re-lic. Which happens every two years.

Your family resource worker will tell you if you are due. But here is the schedule.
We do need to go back to any re-lic from July 2014 and on. Chances are you may need one. :-)

Make sure you 1. Hear from your Family Resource worker that you need one and
2. Let your family resource worker know where/when you are going. We need to provide them with a personal ID number (PID)

discounted Bj's memberships

If you are due for renewal or want a new membership- let me know and I can send you the form !

Discounted memberships are $40 (which is $10 off) AND three free months (total of 15 months)


If you are renewing it goes from your renewal date, so if you are expiring before the fall NOW is the time to do it.


Check out our blog!!!


Carla King

Foster Parent Recruiter

Department of Children and Families (formerly known as Dept Social Services)

Cape Ann Area Office

45 Congress Street, bldg #4

Salem, MA 01970



MAFF Update - House Ways and Means Budget

Hello everyone,
Please read the message below and then forward it on to the Foster parents in your area office. It is easy to send a message to your Representative as you will see when you click on the link, and it would be wonderful if the budget would be approved including all the items listed below.

Thank you!
From: Nancy Scannell
Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2015 5:26 PM
To: MAFF Exec Board
Cc: Kid's Net Regional Directors
Subject: MAFF Update - House Ways and Means Budget

Dear MAFF Board Members,

As you may know, the House Ways and Means committee released their recommendations for the state's fiscal year 2016 budget on April 15th. In their budget message, the House Ways and Means committee specifically indicates that they have included funding to support the recent increase in the daily rate of support for foster families and to provide child care for all DCF-involved kids. Additionally, the state college adopted and foster child tuition and fees waiver appears to be fully funded.

The House will debate their budget all of next week. After that, the Senate takes on the process, starting with the release of the Senate Ways and Means budget on May 13th. Please click here to contact your Senator<> to urge them to support full funding for these items.

If you have questions about the budget that require urgent attention, please contact Courtney Chelo at<> or 617-587-1513.


Nancy L. Allen Scannell
Director of Policy and Planning
(617) 587-1510

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a loss...

John Donovan, owner of the MAC and the guy behind the Helicopter Santa Party (along with his wife) has passed away.

IT’s a huge loss for the community.

As most of you are aware, the party needed to be cancelled the last two years because John was just too sick.  He fought hard and would get better but in the end, he couldn’t fight his cancer.

He and his wife Megan have given a great deal to our families through this party and in many other ways.




Check out our blog!!!


Carla King

Foster Parent Recruiter

Department of Children and Families (formerly known as Dept Social Services)

Cape Ann Area Office

45 Congress Street, bldg #4

Salem, MA 01970



Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Back to Sleep




Lisa Cheney, M.Ed.

Early Childhood Partners.  Serving Hamilton, Wenham & Manchester

CFCE Coordinator, Hamilton Wenham Regional School District

130 Essex Street, Pilgrim Hall, Box 580

Hamilton, MA 01982

Phone:978-468-5489 Fax: 978-468-5793

Like Us on Facebook at Early Childhood Partners of Hamilton, Wenham & Manchester

Follow us on Twitter @HamWenCFCE





Friday, April 17, 2015

Managing Emotions workshop for Parent and Children


Please share this flyer with anybody who you think may be interested.

Thank you!




Lisa Cheney, M.Ed.

Early Childhood Partners.  Serving Hamilton, Wenham & Manchester

CFCE Coordinator, Hamilton Wenham Regional School District

130 Essex Street, Pilgrim Hall, Box 580

Hamilton, MA 01982

Phone:978-468-5489 Fax: 978-468-5793

Like Us on Facebook at Early Childhood Partners of Hamilton, Wenham & Manchester

Follow us on Twitter @HamWenCFCE





REMINDER! Training for April 29th, Lynn Office



Hi Carla:  could you please send reminder to foster parents:


Effects of Trauma on Education—part 1 (part 2 will be on May 12th in the Salem Office)

Federation for Children on Special Needs

Lynn Office

Wednesday, April 29th 6:30—8:30


To attend please call Nancy Lyons at 978-531-3278 or 978-825-3807

June Littlefield at 978-278-5412

Please reply by Monday, April 20th


Everyone who has attended these trainings said they were very well presented.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Lynn Youth Summer jobs, July 6-August 7

The Lynn Office of Community Development will be hiring up to 100 youth workers for the summer, July 6-August 7. $9-11.50 per hour.
Office, maintenance, and employment supervisors(up to 6 positions).Must be 16-21, responsible, hardworking, good leadership skills (supervisor positions).  Up to 37.5 or 40 hours per week. Applications available Monday, April 27 at 8:30 a.m. Deadline for application and resumes: Friday, May 29 at 12:30 of Community Development, Lynn City Hall, Room 311. also 

Counselors, supervisors and clinic instructors at parks and recreation and counselors at Lynn special needs camp needed.  $9-12/hour.Monday -Friday 9 a.m.-3 p.m..   July 6-August 7  Ages 16-21 Applications must be returned to Lynn City Hall Personnel  Department, Room 412 by Friday, May 1.  Also available online at
 For further information , ;please contact Lisa Nerich at 781-268-8000 ext 12 all positions subject to funding and lottery

Girl Scout Camp

NOT affiliated with our camperships- but the Girl Scout Camps will offer scholarships to client families and foster kids.’

There is an informational meeting about the camps on Monday April 27th from 6:30 to 8:00 at the Emmanuel Church, 140 Bridge St in Beverly

I have informational books as well (I put them near Jan’s desk)


Check out our blog!!!


Carla King

Foster Parent Recruiter

Department of Children and Families (formerly known as Dept Social Services)

Cape Ann Area Office

45 Congress Street, bldg #4

Salem, MA 01970



Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Discounts 2015 Canobie Lake Park -


I have Canobie Discounts too! $29

Ill have them all summer.

I will also have Water Country and York’s Wild Kingdom

Once I get them all I will send one flyer with all the info.


Hi Carla,

Please find a revised PDF of the promotional posters attached to this email as the operating calendar was incorrect in the original PDF.  The original PDF stated that the park is open on May 15, 2015 however we are NOT open on May 15th. There are two posters included in the PDF, one has the price of the tickets, one does not.


We are sorry for any inconvenience.  Have a great day!





Kim Canadas

Company Outing Specialist

Phone: 603-893-3506 x4838

Fax: 603-894-4681

Canobie Lake Park Corp.

85 North Policy Street (shipping)

P.O. Box 190 (mailing)

Salem NH 03079



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Monday, April 13, 2015

Research Study by Salem State University BSW students


We have agreed to work with a group of students on their undergraduate research project.  They are mailing out questionnaires to our foster parents today and I have enclosed this cover letter.  If you have any scheduled visits, please ask if they have completed the questionaires, and if so, can you please bring them back to the office with you in the original envelope?  Thanks!



To:  Cape Ann Area Foster Parents                                                                                                                                                                          


From:  Kimberly LaPointe, Family Resource Supervisor                     


Re: Foster Children and Assumptions of Attachment Disorders Research Study                                                                                                                                                                                                          


Date:  April 10, 2015




The Department has agreed to work with Salem State MSW students regarding the enclosed research study questionnaires.  I ask that you please participate in this study and return the completed materials either by mail to the Cape Ann Area Office, in person to the office or in person to your family resource worker.  If you have any questions regarding the Department's consent, please call me.  If you have any questions regarding the study, please contact the students as listed on the informed consent form.  Thank you for your time and assistance. 


The researchers will share their findings of this study with us, and we in turn with you.



Kimberly LaPointe, MSW 

DCF Cape Ann Area Office

45 Congress St.

Salem, MA 09170

Office: 978-825-3853

FAX:  978-825-9091

Reminder! come see us tonight!



Lisa Cheney, M.Ed.

Early Childhood Partners.  Serving Hamilton, Wenham & Manchester

CFCE Coordinator, Hamilton Wenham Regional School District

130 Essex Street, Pilgrim Hall, Box 580

Hamilton, MA 01982

Phone:978-468-5489 Fax: 978-468-5793

Like Us on Facebook at Early Childhood Partners of Hamilton, Wenham & Manchester

Follow us on Twitter @HamWenCFCE





Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Six Flags opens this weeekend... I have discounted tickets :-)

Our discounted price is $38.00 per ticket.

See attached flyer for hours


Check out our blog!!!


Carla King

Foster Parent Recruiter

Department of Children and Families (formerly known as Dept Social Services)

Cape Ann Area Office

45 Congress Street, bldg #4

Salem, MA 01970



Free IEP Advocacy workshop at the Cape Ann Y


Hello all, In collaboration with the North East ARC we will be hosting a two hour educational advocacy workshop for those looking to take charge of their situations and become  stronger voices for their children. No prior advocacy training or  experience is needed.


Workshop participants will receive tools and presentation training materials to empower them to better advocate for their children's needs. Opportunities throughout the workshop will also include question and answer session with Advocates who will address specific questions  throughout the workshop as time allows as well as networking opportunities with other special needs




Wednesday, April 26, 2015

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Workshop will be held at

 Cape Ann YMCA Community Center

71 Middle Street, Gloucester, MA

Registration required (space is limited), please contact:

Virginia Flister - Community Activity Coordinator  978-624-2380 or e-mail


Attached is the flyer to post and share around any help spreading the word is greatly appreciated! ​



Brian Flynn

Associate Executive Director

Cape Ann YMCA

71 Middle Street, Gloucester MA 01930

(P) 978-559-3004 (F) 978-283-3114

The Y: We're for youth development, healthy living and social responsibility.

The Y. So much more.

April Support Group

Foster Parent Support Group



Please join us for the Cape Ann Area D.C.F. Foster Parent Support Group. The group is open to all unrestricted and kinship Foster Parents. Issues and accomplishments related to fostering children and the impact on the families caring for them is discussed in an informal format. A representative from the Department is available to address questions and experienced foster parents a well as new families share their experiences. Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of every month. Please feel free to forward to me any email addresses you think may like to be included in the invitation.


The next meeting will be held on Wednesday April 15th from  7:00 to 9:00 PM. This months meeting will be at Gerrie Cahill’s home on 12 Lenox Street Beverly. MA. Please call if you need directions

For directions and to R.S.V.P. please contact Gerrie Cahill @ 978-921-0959  or Deb Obremski @ 978-825-3809




With just a couple of months till we break for the summer, I hope most of you can make this meeting!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Free prom tuxedo rental & info about Rise Above






Hi Rosa,


Thank you so much for your help!  The gift certificate is for 1 free prom tuxedo rental from Giblees over in Danvers. If you have youth in the office that can use it, I'll stick it in the mail right away.


Rise Above is a nonprofit committed to providing youth in foster care with enriching experience and activities. We serve the whole state, and in just the last several years we've served 1,000 kids, providing them with the funding for sports, music lessons, prom attire and summer camp. Anyone in a child's life (including the child, if a little older) can fill out our application to ask for funds. The application is an online application that gets sent automatically to us:


I've attached a flier here that's geared toward social workers, and there's more information on our website as to our process and what we do/don't fund. I'll also pop some of our postcards in the mail for you to share with your office.


In addition, we're always delighted to come to DCF offices to speak to staff. Next month we're speaking at the Braintree and Chelsea DCF staff meetings and Springfield DCF supervisors' meeting.

Thank you!

Sarah Baldiga

Co-founder & Executive Director

Rise Above Foundation
T 508.320.8676


Follow us on Facebook and Twitter!

FW: New Opportunities for Foster Youth

Good info for foster youth






scholarship 2

spacer.gifApplications for the Mercedes Legacy of Smiles Scholarship are due May 1st. Rise Above's co-founder, Mercedes, was passionate about helping others, and her smile brightened the hearts of friends, co-workers and the youth and families she worked with. 

One $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to a youth who has spent time in the foster care system, has engaged in community service and who is enrolled in a post-secondary education program next year. More information about the 
scholarship can be found here.




Banner 2We're excited to be teaming up with Boston Ballet School to offer kids an evening at the American Girl Store in Natick on Friday, May 8th. Participants will receive their very own American Girl Doll, a special dance lesson with the Boston Ballet School, dinner and more great goodies!  

Details: This event is open to children ages 6-10 who are in the care and custody of DCF. Children must be transported and supervised by an adult at all times. Space is very limited. If you know a girl interested, email us by April 17th at with the child's first name, age and current city/town of residence. Participants will be chosen at random by April 22nd. Email or call us at 855-246-8850 with questions. 


Comedy Campout banner

Our annual comedy show is celebrating its 5th year with a Comedy Campout theme. Join us for a night of laughs, music, food, drinks and a silent auction on Saturday, April 11th in Shrewsbury. There are a limited number of tickets left



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Rise Above Foundation
PO Box 174
Northbridge, Massachusetts 01534

Read the VerticalResponse marketing policy.

Non-Profits Email Free with VerticalResponse!

: CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) is coming to Salem!


Connie Rickets, Essex County CASA program Director and Allyson Boyington, CASA Advocate Supervisor came to the Supervisor's meeting today and presented their program. They have had CASA in the Lawrence and Newburyport courts for 22 years and are now expanding to Salem and then Lynn so all of Essex County is covered.

Right now there are only 2 families assigned with another 6 advocates in training. Please let foster parents know that this program is coming, as advocates will want to meet with the children at least once per month. My understanding is that this program can be a "mixed bag" depending on the volunteer. If a family is assigned we will inform that foster parent. If there are concerns we can contact the two names above to address. The hope is that they will add a valuable service to families we work with.

Attached is a flyer for a fundraiser they are having at the North Shore Mall the week of April vacation. Three playhouses are being built by local contractors/groups including the Lynn Tech that will be raffled off. Since it is school vacation, other events are also ongoing at the mall. Carla, can you please forward this flyer to foster parents on your e-mail distribution list? Thanks.

Kimberly LaPointe, MSW

DCF Cape Ann Area Office

45 Congress St.

Salem, MA 09170

Office: 978-825-3853

FAX: 978-825-9091

-----Original Message-----
From: LaPointe, Kimberly (DCF) []
Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2015 11:22 AM
To: LaPointe, Kimberly (DCF)
Subject: Message from "RNP3723F0"

This E-mail was sent from "RNP3723F0" (Aficio MP 6001).

Scan Date: 04.01.2015 11:21:54 (-0400)
Queries to:

DCF College Fair - Thursday April 23rd, 2015


Hi all, this is a great event for foster youth in high school/HiSET.

Please let me know if you have any youth interested.

Take care,



Jennifer Hubbard

Adolescent Outreach Worker

Cape Ann/Lynn DCF



This message (including any attachments) contains confidential information intended for a specific individual and purpose, and is protected by law. If you are not the intended recipient you should delete this message. Any disclosure, copying or distribution of this message, or the taking of any action based on it, is strictly prohibited.

From: Quinlan, Kristen (DCF)
Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2015 9:56 AM
To: Bulger, Jillian (DCF); Cassano, Stephanie (DCF); Chenette, Amy (DCF); Cronin, Mark (DCF); Cruz, Bernadette (DCF); Fontes, Kristianna (DCF); Frauton, Christine (DCF); Gates, Heather (DCF); Gomez, Odalis (DCF); Haber, Madlynn (DCF); Holdsworth, Dawn (DCF); Howard, Susan (DCF); Hubbard, Jennifer (DCF); Marchand, Nicole (DCF); Minnifield, Marcus (DCF); Morgan, Mercy (DCF); Penney, Cheryl (DCF); Rogato, Francesca (DCF); Roy, Kelley (DCF); Sutton, Eyma (DCF); Tobin, Eryn (DCF)
Subject: FW: DCF College Fair - Thursday April 23rd, 2015



 Can you please forward again to social workers and the area office! And any other collaterals you may have....






Dear Colleagues,



Enclosed please find a flyer for the 9th Annual College Admissions and Information Fair that will be hosted by the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families Education and Training Voucher Program. The College Fair will take place from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.   on Thursday, April 23rd, 2015 at the Holiday Inn, 265 Lakeside Avenue, Marlboro, MA 01752. Free parking is available.


The DCF College Fair is an opportunity for high school aged DCF youth to learn about the various degree and certificate programs available through the public and private college higher education system. Students, foster parents, social workers, and providers will be able to speak with admissions staff about exciting activities and resources offered through community colleges, vocational training programs, four-year public/private universities and the University of Massachusetts.


These degree and certificate programs provide vital education and training to foster youth.  The event will allow younger foster youth to begin thinking about college and older youth to explore concrete opportunities available to them now.


Last year’s event had a tremendous turnout of students, foster parents and various social service agencies.  Numerous Massachusetts public and private colleges and universities were represented last year, as well as the Massachusetts Education Financing Authority. 


Please distribute the attached flyers throughout your programs and make arrangements for your DCF students that you feel would benefit to attend.  Please feel free to distribute the flyer to other providers, foster parents and community members that work with foster youth.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for your assistance with helping DCF

foster youth achieve their post-secondary educational and vocational goals.



                                                            Educationand Training Worker




Shriner's Circus Tickets

Aleppo Shriner’s Circus- Shrine Auditorium, Fordham Street Wilmington

10:00 AM

Friday April 24th

YOU MUST be there by 9:45- no one will be admitted after that time.



I have a limited number of circus tickets for foster families.

Let me know if you are interested and how many.

This is for your own family only please.

Priority will be given to active foster families- but I usually have more than enough




Check out our blog!!!


Carla King

Foster Parent Recruiter

Department of Children and Families (formerly known as Dept Social Services)

Cape Ann Area Office

45 Congress Street, bldg #4

Salem, MA 01970



Anyone have a male teen that can use these clothes?

Large and xlrg dress shirts/sweaters
Pants are 38x30

Brain Building In Progress - Please Post and Share



Hi all! Please join us! I will have a table there!


Hello Everybody -

Attached is a PDF and JPG copy of the flyer that we have been distributing at groups, via email, community postings and calendars, etc.  Will you please post or forward to anybody who you think may be interested in attending and share on your bulletin boards? Thank you!

Lisa Cheney



Lisa Cheney, M.Ed.

Early Childhood Partners.  Serving Hamilton, Wenham & Manchester

CFCE Coordinator, Hamilton Wenham Regional School District

130 Essex Street, Pilgrim Hall, Box 580

Hamilton, MA 01982

Phone:978-468-5489 Fax: 978-468-5793

Like Us on Facebook at Early Childhood Partners of Hamilton, Wenham & Manchester

Follow us on Twitter @HamWenCFCE