Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Cape Ann Foster Families ROCK!!!!

Cape Ann Foster parents Deb Amaral, Linda Gogain, Robert Choo, Joanne Putnam,  Gerri Cahill, Bill Soares, Tara Bean, Elaine Valente, Annette Bongette attended the event at the state house with Lynn Foster Parent Jen Banville and Foster parent Liason Nancy Lyons, intern Erin Quadros and ME!  Also there from Cape Ann was Jen Hubbard (aldolscent outreach worker), Jack Doyle and  Nancy Brown  (youth). 
I think the day was a great success.  First we attended a ceremony where Commissioner Angelo McClain proclaimed (on behalf of Gov. Patrick) May as Foster Care month.   There were several speakers and we were treated to a song by a youth in foster care, accompanied by a pianst in foster care.
We then moved to a room with legislators and aids from our region.  I am proud to say that it was our foster parents that started the dialog and several of our foster parents made GREAT POINTS about the need to raise the daily rate, the need for more services for grandparents raising grandchildren and for the need to put more money into college education for children in foster care, gaurdianship and adoption.   Elaine Valente started the dialog, Gerri Cahill, Bill Soares and Robert Choo all made great points.  Thank you so much to all of you who attended on behalf of all the children of the commonwealth and the foster parents who were unable to attend-- you amaze me every day for what you do for our children.  Special thanks to MPSCC for paying for our bus, and to Local Motion for offering us a great price.

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