Thursday, March 19, 2009

Youth Pride - Boston

DCF is partipating in Youth Pride on May 9th in Boston by walking in the parade and then having a booth on the common about GBLT services that we provide and promoting that we as an agency are GBLT friendly

Please join us! We are trying to get as many staff, foster families and youth from across the state to participate.

Please let Carla know if you are interested.

Youth Pride 2009 will be held on
the Boston Common
on Saturday May 9th
starting at 11am.

YP09 Schedule

11am-12pm - Registration
Boston Common (Parkman Bandstand)

12pm-12:45pm - Rally
Boston Common (Parkman Bandstand)

12:45pm-1:15pm - Parade
Beacon to Bowdoin to Cambridge to Tremont

1:15pm-4pm - Festival
Boston Common (Parkman Bandstand)

4:30pam-6pm - Open Mic
City Year (Back Bay)

7pm-11pm - BAGLY Prom
City Hall

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