Monday, October 25, 2010

Another Training Resource for Foster/Adoptive Parents - "Foster Parent College"


For those who cannot make our trainings here is another opportunity, 

I learned from one of our colleagues that another good site for our families to receive training is "Foster Parent College", at .
Most of the Foster Parent College Program courses cost $10.00 per person, per course.  Foster Parents should contact their Regional Kid's Net Director to let him/her know the course they want to take and the cost.  The Kid's Net Regional Director will then seek approval for reimbursement of the fee to the foster parent for the course.  The fee, if approved, will be reimbursed by Kid's Net to the foster parent as long as they have the proper documentation that includes a receipt from the program that they successfully took the on-line course and a copy of their credit card statement or cancelled check showing that the fee was paid.   
Again, foster parents who wish to take one of these courses must talk with their Regional Kid's Net Director and receive approval prior to seeking reimbursement for any course they may take at "Foster Parent College".



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