Wednesday, November 10, 2010

FREE Movie!!!!!

Hollywood Hits called me and would like to do a FREE Movie for foster families.
He and I will come up with the date and time.  But he would like a number (of attendees) so we can plan when and maybe a special private screening. 
The movie is Yogi Bear in 3D.  Is starts Decemeber 17th. 

So! this is what I need from you!
If you would take advantage, how many tickets would you want for your family?
Which would you prefer?  A weekend or a vacation day? 
Check out our new blog!!!
Carla King
Foster Parent Recruiter
Department of Children and Families (formerly known as Dept Social Services)
Cape Ann Area Office
45 Congress Street, bldg #4
Salem, MA 01970
978-825-3862   direct DCF ext 33862

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