Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Action Alert! Save Crucial Funding for Child Well-Being Programs!





April 18, 2012

It's Not Over Yet...

Encourage your Representative to support budget amendments that will save funding for programs vital to children's well-being.
As you may know, last week the House Ways and Means Committee released its FY 2013 Budget proposal. We are thrilled that some of the key services that children and families rely on received increased funding, but we are very concerned about inadequate funding levels proposed for others services.
  • The Foster Child State College Tuition and Fee waiver program was only funded for half of the academic year and language was inserted that would limit the waiver to those with very low income levels.
  • Funding for DCF-involved families to receive the in and out of home supports they need to stay together or reunite was eliminated.
  • Mental health consultations in early education programs remain funded at $750,000, far below the FY 2009 funding level of $2.4 million.
  • Healthy Families funding for teen parent services was cut by $300,000.
  • Funding for the MA Child Psychiatry Access Project funding is not sufficient to restore program operations to five days per week.
  • Early Intervention Services are funded at a level that jeopardizes eligibility criteria and compromises staff retention efforts.
These programs have proven effective in helping children overcome significant challenges and gain the skills they need to become productive, healthy adults and caring and dependable parents.

Please CLICK HERE to ask your State Representative to support amendments to the House budget that protect these programs and improve the well-being of at-risk children and youth.

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