Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Foste parent Training


Our first training for foster and kinship foster parents will be held in the Salem DCF office on Thursday, September 20th from 6:30 to 8:30.  Hopefully, you have all received your calendars and have set aside the dates for the upcoming trainings. Please notice the new time.  We are trying to find a time that will work for everyone, as yet, we have not done very well.  Trainings are very interesting and you have a chance to come, meet new people and catch up with friends, have a little snack and go home with some very helpful information. Hope you will attend. 











                                                                                                           DEALING WITH SOCIAL ANXIETY



                                                                                                             THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20TH






                                                                                                                     SALEM DCF OFFICE


                                                                                                              DONNA SHEA IS OUR TRAINER

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