Thursday, January 17, 2013

January Foster Parent Support Group

From a foster parent:


Hey all:
At the group tonight I mentioned some resources for parenting kids with attachment issues. I'm forwarding a few links:
I love love love Daniel Hughes! He's a psychologist in Pennsylvania who specializes in working with attachment disordered children. Here's a link to his books on amazon. "Attachment Focused Parenting" is a fabulous place to start.
Christine Moers blogs about adoption, parenting severely attachment disordered kids, other special needs, running a trailer park in Texas, hula hooping, practicing a vegan/flexitarian diet, breastfeeding & other fun stuff at  She's very funny. She also has links to several otherblogs relating to adoption, attachment and parenting children with a history of trauma. She also has a series of YouTube videos on theraputic parenting. Try her video on "When Our Kids Get Stuck" I promise you will be hooked: 
Christine Moers and Billy Kaplan, a Clinical Social Worker from Chicago who runs an attachment disorders clinic, put together a video on theraputic parenting for traumatized kids - using the model developed by Daniel Hughes. I've seen parts of it. It looks great!
Let me know what you think. Please share any other resources you have.

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