Wednesday, July 24, 2013

FW: YASP (formerly TIL) for college kids and FAFSA- Federal Department of Education (DOE) offers FSA Clarification for foster youth and FC to 21 payments



From: Hubbard, Jennifer (DCF)
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 2:10 PM
To: DSS-DL - CapeAnn Users; DSS-DL - Lynn Users
Subject: YASP (formerly TIL) for college kids and FAFSA- Federal Department of Education (DOE) offers FSA Clarification for foster youth and FC to 21 payments


Hello everyone,

Please read below regarding the Young Adult Support Payments (YASP), formerly TIL, and The Federal Department of Education’s clarification.


Take care,



Jennifer Hubbard

Adolescent Outreach Worker

Cape Ann/Lynn DCF



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From: O'Brien, Timothy (DCF)
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 11:56 AM
To: Banks, Michelle (DCF); Bulger, Jillian (DCF); Cassano, Stephanie (DCF); Ciullo, Lisa (DCF); Cronin, Mark (DCF); Cruz, Bernadette (DCF); Frauton, Christine (DCF); Gates, Heather (DCF); Haber, Madlynn (DCF); Holdsworth, Dawn (DCF); Howard, Susan (DCF); Hubbard, Jennifer (DCF); Lopez, Lynne (DCF); Marchand, Nicole (DCF); Martin, Kathy (DCF); Messeder, Maureen (DCF); Morgan, Mercy (DCF); O'Brien, Timothy (DCF); Penney, Cheryl (DCF); Quinlan, Kristen (DCF); Rogato, Francesca (DCF); Roy, Kelley (DCF); Sutton, Eyma (DCF); Tobin, Eryn (DCF); Montana, Karen (DCF); Chenette, Amy (DCF)
Subject: Federal Department of Education (DOE) offers FSA Clarification for foster youth and FC to 21 payments



Included below is information that supports our work with foster youth accessing financial aid. The Federal Department of Education (DOE) has provided further clarification to colleges and universities nationwide that extended foster care payments made by a state directly to foster youth (DCF Young Adult Support Payments) are not to be included on their FAFSA and will not be factored into their estimated family contribution (EFC) for FAFSA purposes.

We will continue to share this information with Massachusetts colleges and universities throughout the upcoming academic year. This is the same message that we have always given to schools and the same way we have always instructed students to complete their FAFSA's.  It's been years since we have run across this question with colleges in Mass.  We have all done a great job on educating foster youth and colleges on this topic. If this issues ever comes up with a financial aid office just let us know and we will reach out to them. 

Let us know if you have any questions. Thanks.


On July 3, 29013, the DOE provided a "Dear Colleague letter <> " that describes the treatment of extended foster care payments that are made directly to the student when determining Title IV federal student aid eligibility. This determination states:

‘Extended foster care payments paid under the authority of Title IV Part E of the Social Security Act are excluded from income for purposes of the calculation of a student's Expected Family Contribution (EFC) and thus not reported on the FAFSA.’ (see the ‘Dear Colleague letter’ <> for complete detail).

It is important that all college financial aid offices and college support programs serving students from care are aware of this determination and their work with students from foster care reflects this practice. Child welfare staff, especially independent living programs, also need to understand this determination.




Timothy O'Brien, M.Ed., LSWA

DCF Adolescent Services

Education and Training Worker

Phone: 617-748-2309

Fax: 617-748-2156


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