Thursday, February 13, 2014

FW: If you have DCF foster youth in college, please forward this info: DCF On-Campus Advising Sessions - Spring 2014



From: Hubbard, Jennifer (DCF)
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2014 7:55 AM
To: DSS-DL - CapeAnn Users; DSS-DL - Lynn Users
Cc: Holdsworth, Dawn (DCF)
Subject: If you have DCF foster youth in college, please forward this info: DCF On-Campus Advising Sessions - Spring 2014


Hi all,

Tim and Kristen from DCF Adolescent Services Unit have listed their college visits below.  If you have a foster youth in one of these colleges (or if they are in a college nearby they can attend as well), please have them visit so they can assure their school accounts are up to date and to make sure they are utilizing all the supports they are eligible for.

Thank you,



Jennifer Hubbard

Adolescent Outreach Worker

Cape Ann/Lynn DCF



This message (including any attachments) contains confidential information intended for a specific individual and purpose, and is protected by law. If you are not the intended recipient you should delete this message. Any disclosure, copying or distribution of this message, or the taking of any action based on it, is strictly prohibited.

From: O'Brien, Timothy (DCF)
Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 4:11 PM
To: O'Brien, Timothy (DCF); Bulger, Jillian (DCF); Cassano, Stephanie (DCF); Ciullo, Lisa (DCF); Cronin, Mark (DCF); Cruz, Bernadette (DCF); Frauton, Christine (DCF); Gates, Heather (DCF); Haber, Madlynn (DCF); Holdsworth, Dawn (DCF); Howard, Susan (DCF); Hubbard, Jennifer (DCF); Lopez, Lynne (DCF); Marchand, Nicole (DCF); Martin, Kathy (DCF); Morgan, Mercy (DCF); Penney, Cheryl (DCF); Quinlan, Kristen (DCF); Rogato, Francesca (DCF); Roy, Kelley (DCF); St. Pierre, Melinda (DCF); Sutton, Eyma (DCF); Tobin, Eryn (DCF); Gomez, Odalis (DCF); Montana, Karen (DCF); Fontes, Kristianna (DCF)
Cc: Banks, Michelle (DCF); Messeder, Maureen (DCF)
Subject: DCF On-Campus Advising Sessions - Spring 2014


Please share with the students you work with and their social workers.


The Massachusetts Department of Children and Families invites you to the.…

College Advising Program

Spring 2014 Campus Schedule


All students are welcome to come and meet with the Education and Training Social Worker from DCF who can assist you with your educational and financial needs on and off campus. Learn about supports that are available to you through DCF and your college or training program.  Receive assistance with all your financial aid applications for 2014-2015, including FAFSA.


Helpful things to bring: student account history, current bill, financial aid award letter, transcript, book receipts.


If your campus is not listed below please stop by the one nearest to you,

drop-ins welcome!  All students are welcome to attend.



Northern Essex Community College February 19th, 11-1. Student Center Room 214 (Haverhill)


UMass Lowell – February 20th, 11-2. Dugan Hall Conference Room 204


Bridgewater State College – February 25th, 11-2. Maxwell Library, MDR Room.


Mount Wachussett Community College – February 26th, 11-1. Room 201. (Gardner Campus)


UMass Dartmouth – March 5th, 10-1. Counseling Center.


Mass Bay Community College – March 5th, 11-1. Room 322. (Framingham Campus)


Fitchburg State University – March 6th, 1-4. Hammond Campus Center Tower Room 214


North Shore Community CollegeMarch 10th, 10:30-1:30, Room LW102 (inside LW108) (Lynn)


Worcester State University – March 11th, 11-2. Student Center, Room c-204


Westfield State University – March 18th, 12-3. Ely Conference Room, E003


Salem State University – March 20th, 11-2. Ellison Campus Center, Room 207 Presidential Suite


Holyoke Community College – March 25th, 12-2. Kittredge Building, Room 226


UMass Amherst – March 26th, 11-2. Whitmore Building Room, 103.


Springfield Tech Community College – April 2nd, 11-1. Success Center, Meeting Room


UMass BostonApril 3rd, 12:30-2:30. Campus Center 4th Floor. Room CC4-4201.




Please contact Tim O’Brien at 617-748-2309 or Kristen Quinlan at 617-748-2204 with any questions or to schedule a meeting.



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