Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Free prom tuxedo rental & info about Rise Above






Hi Rosa,


Thank you so much for your help!  The gift certificate is for 1 free prom tuxedo rental from Giblees over in Danvers. If you have youth in the office that can use it, I'll stick it in the mail right away.


Rise Above is a nonprofit committed to providing youth in foster care with enriching experience and activities. We serve the whole state, and in just the last several years we've served 1,000 kids, providing them with the funding for sports, music lessons, prom attire and summer camp. Anyone in a child's life (including the child, if a little older) can fill out our application to ask for funds. The application is an online application that gets sent automatically to us: https://www.weriseabove.org/funding/apply-online/


I've attached a flier here that's geared toward social workers, and there's more information on our website as to our process and what we do/don't fund. I'll also pop some of our postcards in the mail for you to share with your office.


In addition, we're always delighted to come to DCF offices to speak to staff. Next month we're speaking at the Braintree and Chelsea DCF staff meetings and Springfield DCF supervisors' meeting.

Thank you!

Sarah Baldiga

Co-founder & Executive Director

Rise Above Foundation
T 508.320.8676


Follow us on Facebook and Twitter!

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