Monday, December 7, 2015



Hello everyone,

We really need foster teen/young adults to attend, as we want to assist them with various life skills, teach about giving back to the community, all the while building their resume.

Please reach out to those foster youth on your caseload to see if they would attend?

College aged youth will be home on break as well.

Any questions let me know.

Thank you for your help in this matter!



Jennifer Hubbard

Adolescent Outreach Worker

Cape Ann/Lynn DCF



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From: Selman, Alexandra (DCF)
Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2015 11:14 AM
To: DSS-DL - CapeAnn Users; DSS-DL - Lynn Users
Subject: Youth Advisory Board


Hi Everyone,


Adolescent outreach worker, Jenn Hubbard and I are attempting to recreate the Lynn/Cape Ann Youth Advisory Board and Panel.


Jenn Hubbard has reached out to her contacts at Lifebridge and we want to organize some volunteer opportunities involving our youth starting in January. Other volunteer and educational/vocational opportunities will also be a part of future meetings once the board is established.


We are trying to meet as a focus group on December 22 at 3:30 here in the Cape Ann Office.  This will be the first meeting in some time. We hope to use this meeting as a time to speak with DCF youth about what they would like to use the time for and projects they might want to work on.


If anyone would like to participate please let either Jen or myself know.



Alexandra Selman


Cape Ann Area Office

Department of Children and Families

45 Congress Street

Building #4

Salem, MA 01970

Office # 978-825-3826

Fax # 978-825-9091


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