Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Foster Care Alumni Free Cooking Class, please read



Hello everyone,


This fun event is for anyone ages 18 to 118+ that spent some time in foster care (they did not have to age out and do not have to have current involvement).  I have attached the flyer for you to share this free event to any foster care alumni. I have put a copy of the flyer in every manager and supervisor's mailbox to share with your staff.


The event for the Northeast Mass Network of Foster Care Alumni has been scheduled for Saturday March 5th from 1-6pm.

This will be a cooking class taught by a Chef Rodney Poles (he is great!) for breakfast and dinner, cookbooks and raffle.

Children are welcome and it will be  held at the North Shore Community College Culinary Center (this was formerly the North Shore Tech High School) on Rt. 114 next to the Bob's and Market Basket Plaza just over the line in Middleton.


RSVPs are required and due by 2/26 (contact: manetworkfostercarealumni@gmail.com) so please check in to see who can attend.

Thank you,


Jennifer Hubbard

Adolescent Outreach Worker

Cape Ann/Lynn DCF


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