Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Mass Health Coverage for DSS Youth Leaving Care Between Ages 18-20

We are pleased to announce that, effective June 1, youth leaving DSS care/custody between the ages of 18 and 20 will be automatically eligible to receive Mass Health coverage under a new program until age 21.

As of June 2007 DSS has begun to send the names and addresses of our discharging youth to MassHealth (Office of Medicaid) for enrollment. Once enrolled, youth will receive a new MassHealth card, with a new MassHealth recipient identification number (RID). The cards will be sent directly to these youth at the open “Home” or “Mailing” address listed in the address window of Family Net. Therefore, it is imperative that the most current address for the youth be entered in the address window at the time of the closing. Otherwise, the new Mass Health card will not reach the youth.

If you learn of a new address for the youth after the case is closed, you may still enter it into Family Net. If no address remains open for the youth, the card will be sent to the area office where the case was closed. Please ensure that these cards reach the youth.

Be aware that if a youth is closed prior to his/her 18th birthday he/she WILL NOT BE IDENTIFIED AS ELIGIBLE for this continued MassHealth program.

In the coming months, eligibility for this benefit will also be extended to youth who previously discharged between ages 18 and 20 and are not yet age 21.

Should you have any questions regarding this benefit, you can contact Maureen Messeder at (617)748-2231.

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