Wednesday, October 26, 2011

FREE Kindermusik class can be used as supervised visits

This is open to foster parents now as well! We have plenty of room! Just know that there will be clients in the classroom as well.  But I dont feel that should be an issue.  

Classes  are Thursdays 4-5pm Starting Nov 3rd for five weeks. (no class Thanksgiving)
Place TBD. We are looking in Salem and Beverly for a location.
This will be a FREE class. The Kindermusik owner received a grant to pay for this.
Please let me know if this interests you and the age of the child you are thinking of.
If this looks like a go, I will collect a little more info for registration.
Here is a little more info:
Kindermusik Family Time

Newborns to 7 years

New! Kindermusik Family Time
Music class for families with multiple children ages newborn and up

In ten weeks, you'll play instruments together, dance together, share, and take turns, and see how music can bring you closer as a family.

A one-room schoolhouse approach to music. With older children ready to show the little ones how it's done and the younger ones eager to learn, Family Time becomes a multi-layered learning environment. Each week, a Kindermusik Educator will introduce basic musical concepts and then give you the instruments, and the structured free time to put those concepts into play.

Your children will listen to instruments and to each other, learn from their peers and older children, and enjoy music and movement with hoops, scarves and tumble-around play. Story time and family jams, puppet play and happy singing?all the Family Time activities encourage discovery and exploration and foster sharing and social skills too. In this special place for musical, social and emotional learning, your children will strengthen their ties with each other and with you?and they'll start developing the skills they'll need in school and on the neighborhood playground

Check out our new blog!!!
Carla King
Foster Parent Recruiter
Department of Children and Families (formerly known as Dept Social Services)
Cape Ann Area Office
45 Congress Street, bldg #4
Salem, MA 01970
978-825-3862   direct DCF ext 33862

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