Friday, January 20, 2012

Tuition and Fee Funding has Passed both HOUSE and SENATE


Hi Carla,
        Could you please send this email out to your foster parents to let them know about this important funding

-----Original Message-----
From: Nancy Scannell
Sent: Thu 1/19/2012 6:23 PM
To: MAFF Exec Board; Kid's Net Regional Directors
Cc: 'Robin Joyce'; ''; Marylou Sudders; 'Eleanor Dowd'; Katlyn Marple
Subject: Tuition and Fee Funding has Passed both HOUSE and SENATE

The funding for the spring semester tuiton and fees has been approved by both the House and the Senate as part of the 2012 Supplemental Budget which is now headed to the Governors Desk.

We are in the home stretch now and your voices are more critical than ever to ensuring this funding recieves final approval.

So we are asking you to once again reach out to every foster and adopted parent you know especially those with kids who will benefit from the waiver- and ask them to make four very important contacts:

        *       Call or e-mail Governor Deval Patrick and urge him to support funding for the spring semester for foster youth and youth adopted from DCF care to attend state colleges and universities at the level provided for in the 2012 Supplemental Budget. 617-725-4000

*       Call or e-mail Senate President Therese Murray, Senate Ways and Means Chairman Stephen Brewer and YOUR State Senator to thank them for including funding for state college tuition and fee waivers for DCF involved youth in their supplemental budget recommendation. A thank you now will go a long way to building our base of support for including these funds in the FY13 budget..

Senate President Murray: 617-722-1500,

Chairman Brewer: 617-722-1540,

 If you don't' know who your Senator is you can find out at <> .

As always please let me know if you have questions.

Nancy L. Allen Scannell
Director of Policy and Planning
99 Summer Street, Boston, MA 02110
(P) 617-587-1510 (F) 617-587-1584

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