Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Free Training on Transition Planning & the IEP [1 Attachment]


Greetings All:


Two projects of the Federation for Children with Special Needs are collaborating to provide free 3-hour trainings in the cities of Lawrence and Charlestown on Transition Planning for students with disabilities in DCF custody. 


The Recruitment, Training and Support Center for Special Education Surrogate Parents (RTSC) and The Parent Information and Training project (PTI) will jointly present, Get a Life; Transition Planning and the IEP, to Special Education Surrogate Parents and other interested parties.  This presentation is for those who want to learn about helping students with IEPs create a vision that will drive their transition experience and learn how use of the Special Education Transition Planning Form (TPF) guides the conversation to develop Transition goals which lead to meaningful opportunities in education, training, employment and independent living. Topics will include determining appropriate transition assessments to identify student preferences, interests and skills needed to achieve their vision, promoting self-advocacy skills as an essential component for decision making, self-awareness and self-determination and the special challenges for students in state custody.


Special Education law requires that Transition Planning begins when a student with an IEP reaches age 14.  These training seminars are recommended to any adult who works with transition aged youth in DCF custody who receive Special Education services.


See the attached flyer for seminar dates, times and locations and for registration details.  Feel free to pass along this message to other appropriate parties.


Best regards,




Gwen Healey

Information Specialist & Workshop Scheduling

617-399-8316 or


Federation for Children With Special Needs

The Schrafft Center

529 Main Street, Suite 1102

Boston, MA  02129

617-236-7210,  800-331-0688,  Fax: 617-241-0330   




Informing, Educating, Empowering Families




From: Gwen Healey []
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2012 10:25 AM
To: 'Mary Byrne'; 'Cosgrove, Andrea (DCF)'; 'Anne Marie Browne'; 'Amirault, Susan (DMR)'; 'Forth, Joe (DMH)'; 'Borja Alvarez de Toledo'; ''; ''; 'Mara Bentman'; 'Oteri, John'; 'Willey, Buddy'; ''; 'Killeen, Eleanor (DCF)'; 'Lori J Singleton'; 'Sandy Martin'; ''; ''; ''; ''
Cc: 'Mendez, Luz (DCF)'; 'Carleton, Sean (DCF)'; 'Doyle, Colette (DCF)'
Subject: RE: May is Foster CAre Month


Greetings All:


Thanks to Mary we are now aware this is National Foster Care Month.  It seems to me a good way to promote the cause is to post the information in our offices and in public spaces.  I reformatted the message from Secretary Sebelius in a word document to make it easier to read and attached it for you.  Please print and hang the flyer in any spaces where the message will reach the public.


Best regards,




Gwen Healey

Information Specialist & Workshop Scheduling

617-399-8316 or


Federation for Children With Special Needs

The Schrafft Center

529 Main Street, Suite 1102

Boston, MA  02129

617-236-7210,  800-331-0688,  Fax: 617-241-0330   




Informing, Educating, Empowering Families





Attachment(s) from Mary Byrne

1 of 1 File(s)

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